My trophy for the night. Wish we got bonus pts for them as it's my 2nd since Sunday. First pic is POI 2nd is the exit. Hit the 10 ring at 30 yds Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
I got 2 of those on opening weekend on the same night. We have a cat problem on the mnt I hunt Sent from my XT1254 using Forums mobile app
Get quite a few on a property I hunt but seaso thats the mangiest yote I've seen in a bit. best kind of one, a dead one. I get them on camera cruising at night but for their sake their lucky they haven't shown themselves in day light. last day of bow season last year had 4 go by me real fast, haven't seen a pack that up close before.
Finally off work and in my killing tree! Upper 40s for a high with the perfect wind. Let's hope the big boys read the script because this is looking perfect. Sent from my XT1254 using Forums mobile app
Taking a break tomorrow. Have some things I need to get done that I have been neglecting. Hope to get recharged for Friday, weather is shaping up to be awesome. So far I have seen 17 deer and 5 coyotes (two of which are dead!). Only been out of a tree lomg enough to eat and change spots the last 4 days. Did see the mybfirst yearling by itself tonight, mom is dead or getting some Love! Should explode in the next 3-4 days Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
That is an absolutely incredible buck! Congrats! I hate seeing those mangy coyotes. Terrible. Man please tell me you arent killing bobcats already... Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
I have too. They are a danger to my buddy and the livestock and myself. There are so many that they have actually tried to stalk us while walking in and out of the stands. There is a large male that trailed my buddy out the other night and got away but it was really close to being bad. This thing had to be at least 20#s plus. Biggest bobcat I had ever seen. Sent from my XT1254 using Forums mobile app
can't hunt them here, well can trap them mid January to beginning of February but I'm not into trapping.
I'll be honest, I seriously doubt they are a danger to y'all. Livestock, maybe if it's goats or chickens or something. But regardless, season is still a month away, and unless you are genuinely in fear of your life or see one in the act of predating your livestock, your poaching... if you have that many around, I can promise you there are a ton of people who would be happy to trap some once the season opens. I trap them, I shoot them when season opens, but not just to kill them. They are after all, worth more than all our other furbearers combined.... And when I'm deer hunting, I absolutely enjoy just watching them. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Okcaveman I really don't appreciate you calling me a poacher I understand where you are coming from and trust me I don't like shooting them either. I love cats and love to watch them also. I have talked to the game warden and he knows the situation. If you are close and would like to I would love someone to trap them once season is in to help control the population. The life of a rancher is not always pleasant and sometimes wildlife pays the price and I don't like it any more than you do but my family's safety and needs will always come before wildlife. Just the way it is. Sent from my XT1254 using Forums mobile app
are you saying though that you're shooting them out of season because they scare you in the woods? I've had bobcat at my feet while turkey hunting and never once thought to shoot it cause it scares me. Does the COs around give you predation tags or something for them? or you shoot them and leave them. I may look into getting my trapping license but not huge into it, not really 'hunting' to me, but thats just my personal choice and feelings, and have absolutely nothing against anyone who does trap. love seeing gorgeous pelts from varying animals!
Not that they scare me so much but the fact that my young children and wife are in the woods constantly and I worry for their safety and the fact that livestock and pets have been going missing. Maybe it isn't them I have heard of a big cat in the area but not taking any chances. With the kills being covered it is definitely a cat of some kind so they are all guilty in my eyes. Sent from my XT1254 using Forums mobile app
Like a switch it has gone quiet around our place. I think its gonna have to be a late morning to mid day sit this weekend.
Took the day off and watched a small buck run through my yard, to top it off a neighbor shot a big 10 this morning. Going to freeze my boys off tomorrow. Going to get down to 17 tonight! Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
projected 10degrees here tomorrow morning and around 15degreees this weekend AMs. this weekend should be prime!
I understand, and have no problems with you protecting your family/livestock. You absolutely have that right. My issue lies with killing them because they may be an issue. Bobcats (and coyote as well), are going to eat a whole lot of rats/mice/gophers etc that could be causing you a whole host of other problems. Im not sure what type of livestock you run and are losing, but i would honestly be surprised if its bobcat doing it. Coyotes are far and away more likely to be an issue with livestock in my experience. I look at things from the viewpoint of a land manager/wildlife biologist. So we do come from somewhat differing viewpoints. Where are you located? I can promise you that there are trappers near you that would be happy as could be to have bobcats to trap. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Big bucks are still on the move and dropping like flies around here. A friend killed an absolute giant this morning. I have a controlled hunt this weekend, which will be my last chance for a buck for the season, but that just opens me up even more to getting my wife on some deer come rifle season. Good luck to all! Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Yes they are. I was at work last night and lefty break and I saw a good 3 year old with a doe inside city limits in a standing bean field. Good luck to everyone who is out this weekend! I'm going to sit with my dad this afternoon as KY rifle opens this morning. He isn't a huge hunter, I think he does it cause I'm so addicted but we both enjoy spending the time together. He's started taking me when I was 10. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Had the buck I'm after at 43 yds this morning. Came in behind me and to the right. Needed about ten more steps so I could clear my tree and the wind swirled. He won this round but I'm off for another week. Would be my best deer to date if I can get it done. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Good luck page! Can't wait to see the photos when you get him! Our controlled hunt was a success. My wife, my best friend, and I drew in with an either sex tag. My wife got her 3d deer ever. She thought it was a doe but it turned out to be a 1.5 yo button buck. My friend killed his best buck to date, and I lucked into a very nice 8. This has been the best year of my life. I have managed 3 mature bucks, off 3 seperate parcels of public land ranging from cypress swamps to ozark mountains, with 3 methods of take. All 3 were inside 65 yards, 2 of them were killed off the ground while still hunting. We are a 2 buck limit state, so being able to legally harvest 3 is a very rare occurrence, only possible by drawing a hunt. I feel very blessed to have had the opportunity and to have my luck hold out this long into the season Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk