Where you headed in Oklahoma that is where I am Sent from my XT1254 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
16 hours of work left and I'm a free man for a bit! Weather doesn't look great to start but will sure beat work. Hope to at least have a few good encounters. I haven't been able to concentrate all day. Bet tomorrow and Thursday aren't any better lol Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
My brother just headed west for IL and there is some rain in the forecast that we didn't want to see. But, like you stated Page sure as hell beats work!
Sat in the rain this evening. had 2 does walk past my stand as i was walking in. Perfect wind. but nothing after them. I see Tag soup in my future
What's up fellas. Been pretty quiet on the thread but I got it done this morning on public land with a bow on a hang and hunt Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Congratulations! Thats a nice one.... definitely bigger than anything I've seen while hunting this year. Sent from my SM-S120VL using Tapatalk
when's everyone back out there? Weekend plans? Anyone seeing any rutting action yet? I've just seen some small scrapes and some hookings but haven't seen any chasing yet happening. Still waiting for a nice temperature drop to happen! Best of luck boys lets get some more on the board!
Bucks have been pushing all week around me but nothing but little ones sighted on my land it has turned off hot and windy. Sent from my XT1254 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
In a tree now. It's warm but it's also Nov 2nd. Leave for MO on sat morning. I'm loving that big drop in temperature from Sunday to Monday. Can't wait to sit in a tree for 5 days straight. Sent from my XT1710-02 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
the temperature drop couldn't be at a worse time as next week is not hunting season as its the split between archery and the rifle opener. I continue to bow hunt through rifle for the first two weeks then take that out for some walks then first week of December slam Muzzy season with my bow again.
That stinks. PA used to end in Oct but now goes a week plus into Nov. Sent from my XT1710-02 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
yeah they added a week onto the end of the archery season here carrying it into Nov. but still have that gap in time between archery closing and rifle opening. I would start it a week or so earlier and still run it through beginning of Nov. but then cut out the December muzzy season as everyone around here is smashing does that have already be bred that year. I am glad they pushed it a week late so can catch some Nov. archery time before the youth and rifles come out to bark. youth is always the first weekend in Nov. which is usually around the start of the rut here so usually when rifle kicks off we have missed that prime early rut times.