People never cease to amaze me. The answer when confronted is always that they didn't know it was private property or they thought they were still on the neighbor....Bull crap. Most people know exactly where they are all the time, they just think they'll get by with it. Good for you for having the brass to confront them, most people know when they're in the wrong and it doesn't take much to get them to move along. The odds of happening across someone willing to do bodily harm over their own trespass is pretty low. Besides Crossbow showing back up I got some good pics of a new monster buck on one of the other properties and I saw a monster on the same property Crossbow inhabits while I was driving across the farm in the Ranger. He was at least a ten point and a good 20" wide, I think it was the buck I had on camera in September I named Boom. To top it all off after going through the cards last evening it looks like all but about four of my top 15 bucks are still on the hoof. One was the 5 year old wide 8 that was poached, one is 3.5 yo Gnurley who was injured and disappeared, one was 4.5 yo Tall Ten and the other was 3.5 yo Freaky. Three of those could show back up at some point but as many deer as we have all four would about fall in line with predation, poaching and season harvests in the area. There are two others that I've not seen in a while but they have always been random visitors anyway. Feeders are all set up and about six more scheduled for 2015. Been working on food plot plans.
Merry belated Christmas everyone!! I've been offline busy with work, family, and traveling for the holidays!!! I think I'll be eating tag soup this year because of the traveling and after checking my cards the last few weeks, I've had more coyotes than deer on them!!! Frustrating but a good year though!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well tomorrow is probably the last hunt of the year for me. Haven't hunted this property since October or early November. Seen 19 deer one night and see 10 about every evening. Haven't got the time to hunt with work and school so it'll feel good to get in the woods.
Good luck everybody. I'll be out tomorrow afternoon too. Sporting a new Scentlok suit the inlaws got me for Xmas!
Wow I feel like I haven't been on in forever...been extremely busy with work and family since mid November. Good luck to anyone who can still get out!
I didn't make it out last weekend, but Thursday looks good. Do you guys like am or pm sits this late in the season? Deer activity is so random right now on my cams...
I don't have any pics to compete with a pic of a new one month old baby...awe. But I do have this...proud deer management moment:
Thanks, I probably won't pursue that deer this season. I knew he was around but didn't think he'd been using that property that much. I had a camera there that wasn't triggering properly so I checked it by hanging another camera below it. The old camera had like 65 pics on it and the new one had over 400. The old camera got a head shot of that buck back in late October and it was blurry but could tell he was nice. He doesn't get any further north on that property than that southern most feeder apparently and I've hunted that farm exactly once this year. I may try to get down there after him yet but hadn't decided. He has a broken off G4 on his left side that was about 8" long in October.
I made it out yesterday afternoon. No deer, but I watched 4 toms strut around for 2 hours. I actually had decent deer activity on the cams the last 3 iffy 8 pointer and a group of 5 does coming by regularly. I'll let the smoke settle from the late muzzleloader season (today-Monday) and then get back after them a few times.
Well, my season ended yesterday so it's time to start preparing for next deer season. I was lucky enough to tag 4 does plus one with my vehicle and had plenty of oppurtunities with nice bucks. As for next season , hunting property will be limited to mostly state land, a 12 acre woods, and maybe some invites from friends. I hope everybody had an awesome season even if you didn't get a deer and you guys were such an awesome group to be on.
Well, thanks for contributing to the awesomeness of this team this year. Good luck next season. Thanks for today's WTF moment! Holy crap that's a monster buck no matter how many points it has...jeeze...that's incredible.
There are a few back there with his genetics. Beautiful...and for PA it's amazing. So bummed I only saw a measly 4 point there. Husband had this one 30 yards away, he tried stalking it but was in golden rod and didn't have a perfect shot. He said it was big, I didn't believe that big.