A miss is better than a goon (this isnt directed towards you Chopper) - though it is not fun it makes it a bit better. Field and Stream magazine said this Friday is supposed to be the best day to hunt..I'm hoping so!
Holy chit! That's a hell of an 8 point! My heartiest congratulations bub!!! Didn't hunt this morning, won't hunt this evening, I'm just started cutting beans today, averaging about 40 bushel per acre. Chance of rain tomorrow night so trying to get some out of the field before it gets muddy again. Had a minor breakdown, fixed it up with the welder so it's back to work. Good luck everyone!
Holy cow that's a heck of an 8 pointer, those G2s look well over a foot long! Congrats on an amazing deer. Went out this morning and didn't see a thing, and my Dad only had a small 6 point come past him but not close enough for a shot. This evening I bumped a doe and 2 fawn on my way in and had one of the fawn work back to me at the very end of the day. Pretty uneventful for a day when the rut should be going pretty strong...oh well back at it again tomorrow morning to see what happens.
My afternoon was pretty slow too...compared to this morning. I had 5 does, a spike and a little 8 point within range.
Well I had a crappy afternoon. On the way back to the field to finish the repair, I noticed about 15 eagles flying off something in the corn field. I drove over and sure as heck there was a deer carcass. It had been shot in the vitals, beheaded and caped. Ugghhh, I've been rabid all evening!
No, all that was left was the legs from the knees down and bone and a bit of the hide. That many eagles and without a doubt yotes pretty much decimated what was left. The knees were still flexible and it didn't stink so it wasn't all that old. I imagine it was the old 8 pointer, he was the bravest and seemed to cover the most ground but who knows.
Man that is a real shame. Poachers suck. Any chance you may have got the person on one of your cameras? Edit: I read in the other post you didn't have any cameras in that area.
Poachers are horrible. I actually turned in someone I knew who did it. I just gave a name and they were able to do their own research. He ended up poaching over 100 bucks in a year. Needless to say, not friends with that person and he got caught up in way more than just that. He may be in prison? I am all for feeding a family (though, poaching isn't the way) - but to waste meat like that - horrible! Good luck to those going out this week. Hoping to take a half day Friday.