Bummer about the misses! Last stage of broadhead tuning complete, QAD Exodus full blades spot on at 50 yards. I do not plan to shoot on that far I just like to tune as far as I can shoot at home. I am loving this bow.
I counted 26 gunshots before 10:30am. Had 10 does go by at a dead sprint and had to pass on a hit list buck broadside at 35 yards. Thank you Ohio DNR for the early muzzleloader season!
Yeah I stayed in Pa this weekend because of the lame doe only muzzleloader weekend in Ohio. I was hoping after last year they dropped that, I guess not.
Almost everyone we talk to is not having luck this season. Nothing is moving. If it is, it is real early or real late. I had my camera out for a week - got some nice (decent) bucks and a couple doe. All hours. Of course when I am there, I see nothing. We don't have monsters, but I'd like to poke this one. But this one was seen in day light - my husband passed him up. It'd be my first archery buck, I'll attempt him if he gives me a shot. This camera is 30 yards from my stand. Timing is right, just not the date (obviously).
We are not seeing much this year either. a couple of 6pt on cameras and nothing while hunting yet after 2 weekends. I'll be happy to pop a couple of does. Wants some meat for the winter.
Almost had a doe tonight. Watched her feed behind me broadside for at least 20 minutes. But it was the only direction I didn't have a shooting lane! I kept my eye on her, she walked towards me and leaped into the brush beside me. She went behind a tree, I pulled back waiting for her to step out and all of a sudden I hear rustling. I turn around...a little four point. Doe takes off running, buck grunts, about five yards under me, then he trotted off after her. No idea where he came from. But he totally blew my shot. He was in the perfect spot, I kept counting points but he never became legal. Watched him at all my picked out shooting spots. Jumped an eight point, the same one from above, on my way out. He was bedded in the field. Maybe next week. My spot isn't a morning spot, so I'll hope for next Friday evening!
Glad you had some action! Saw 3 does but not shots. I did have a deer I couldn't ID slip through thicket behind me grunting as it went. I never saw its head though.
No luck tonight. I had 2 does and 2 fawns at 40 yards, but they knew something wasn't right. I'm taking tomorrow off...too many guns for my liking.
Was raining too much this morning. Went duck hunting instead. Did get a pretty duck. I'll head back out Friday evening, depending on this rain they're calling for.
No luck for me yesterday. Got blown out by 2 does 2 hours apart. I don't like the new stand I put up there, so I was fidgeting all afternoon.
I've not been out, it's been literally flooding here since yesterday. We got so much rain the concrete walkway around my house was literally covered in earthworms trying to get out of the over saturated soil in the yard. Hopefully this crap is over and I'll get out in a stand in the morning.
Good luck Covey if you got out. I started a new job yesyerday so for now at least I am restricted to weekends.
Nope, didn't make it out this morning either unfortunately. I forgot I had an early morning appointment this morning at 8:30. Wind was and still is blowing about 40mph anyway. I'll shoot for in the morning again, lol.