Good luck turkish! I have 8 days yet until the early antlerless opens in Pa. I hope to put a doe in the freezer and some points on the board pretty quickly so I can then be patient for a nice buck.
Did a little last minute fine tuning last night before finally getting back into a stand Saturday morning....can't wait to hear that first crunch of leaves (and find out it's a squirrel). Hopefully something decides to walk close enough to my stand and give me a nice shot!
The owners of the property we are surveying at work have this guy sitting in their flower bed. I would shoot him...
I too would rather shoot a goofy rack opposed to an even one! These little guys will make it (From me, anyways). I just love the photo opportunity I had.
Alright so this week has been way too long, 12-22 hour days all week. Tomorrow is a normal 8 and today is 3 days till opening day!! Whoop Whoop!!!!
Ouch, that was an expensive shot! I finished my new platform stand this morning! Even had a doe and two fawns come across the field while I was working, lol.
Yikes on that arrow, I seldom shoot groups for that reason. I only shoot two at the same spot when broadhead tuning haha. Covey that is pretty sweet. Are you leaving it an open frame or covering the sides?
Probably going to just throw a blind on the platform. The sides I may enclose with brown metal siding.
The week is over, got leave put in for Monday and Tuesday, bag is packed, clothes are sprayed, camera is charged, scrap drip is set and dripping, and the day is 2 days away. Updates from the stand on Monday.
So excited to say that tomorrow morning I'll be 20 ft up a tree waiting fr that first deer sighting of the season...can't wait to get back out there!