So I went out to check cameras yesterday and tune my new bow and arrows, only to find out my memory cards failed in the 2 cameras I had up:-( both didn't get to save a single photo:-( my computer won't even fully read them, saying they are corrupt. Figures with only 2 weeks to go....
That sucks! I've had my cams out for 4 weeks and am terrified that I didn't set them right or that something like this will happen.
One of the cams I pulled the other day...batteries were dead so I lost a week with it. It was the camera that usually gets Meat Hook on it too. Fixed now though.
Yeah that's not normal but I kept hitting it with my bow string. I'm not a sideways hat kinda guy. Shooting off my deck down to a block target like shooting out of a treestand
Well, found my big five point half rack few miles from home when we were spotting. Came home and spotted the gas line next to our house and three coyotes ran out. Parked in the driveway and one ran probably 30 yards from us before turning around. I think we found our deer problem.
Had this guy on cam this time around...still rocking the velvet. No idea who this is, never seen him before.
That is a great looking buck. Day time pick which is good to see. Good luck hopefully he chooses your place for his fall patterns.