Season opened up here in Wisconsin today! I will be in the stand in a little over 2hrs...Tonight is shaping up to be a great night. I have the correct wind to hunt a stand that I have had success in before. Good luck to all this weekend!
Salad Fingers is hanging around. Dustin and I are heading out to hang a set for him early this afternoon. Hopefully he can film me whacking him sometime this week. Matt, sorry I haven't gotten you a pic. Couldn't find anything that would work. I'll get one taken today.
No luck this past weekend. I'll be back at it this Saturday morning on a different farm that I know much better.
Good luck with Salad Fingers, Dan! He is a great looking buck. I myself, didn't have any shot opportunities this last weekend...Saw 3 does and 2 fawns and never had a shot at either one of them. I will be out again this weekend.
Nice deer Dan and Rb. Well.. I've hunted 3 times this year and ain't seen nuttin'.... just 3 yotes.. 2 I could have shot but decided not to. Been miserably warm... moon phase wrong.. and winds terrible. Illinois opens soon though.. and if these winds continue I should be into something soon. Stay golden boys.
About a half hour through the 3 hour drive we have from my house to the farm I'll be at this weekend. I'll have tomorrow morning, tomorrow evening, and Sunday morning.
Dunstin and I sat for Salad Fingers last night. Checked the camera as we got in the tree and he was in the night before 25 minutes before dark. Only saw a doe and fawn. May not get a chance to hunt him again until October 20th or so. Heading home Monday and leaving Wednesday for New Mexico elk hunting with the muzzleloader.
Had an opportunity to put us on the board last night and plain messed up. Disgusted with myself but it is what it is. Anybody's season not open yet?
Opens October 1st! I can't wait. I work six twelve hour days a week, but I have someone covering for me Saturday. I'll be out early Friday before work.
Good luck with him, rb. Always nice to see them out and about in the daylight. Archery season opens Oct 1, here. I was only able to get out once during the early antlerless season. That time is more about getting my daughter out than killing deer. Reposting this here to add some content to our team thread... Last weekend I had the chance to take my daughter, aka Scoot, on what has become an annual hunt. MI has a 4 day early antlerless season. Its the perfect time to take her. Its warm, there is a good chance we'll see deer, and I don't care if I get a shot. I was hoping we could get out a couple evenings, but sometimes life gets in the way. Last year, we sat on the opposite side of this field. I wanted to be far enough away from where I knew they would enter it. That way we would see a lot of deer without spooking them before they got into the alfalfa. This year, we set up closer in hopes of maybe seeing some up close. We hid the blind pretty well in a stand of popples, and got settled in. We knew they would leave the woods from the right... ...and enter the alfalfa. A couple times I heard deer as they ran off. Scoot isn't the quietest hunter, and thats ok. We did get to watch a few from a distance. You have to keep kids entertained when the hunting is slow. See, texting while hunting is cool! The evening came to an end without any close encounters. This has quickly become my favorite hunt of the season.
The season opens up Oct 1st here.....and I can't wait. I will be in the stand Friday evening and the rest of the weekend. Good luck to everyone this weekend!!
Dan didn't know this but I watched Salad Fingers walk by at 10 yards and didn't tell Dan... I was holdin' out until he showed me a bear!! :D
Anyone getting out? I've been out a few times. Seeing some young bucks like always. No shots at does yet. Thought it might come together Monday evening, but a young buck decided to chase them around before they got into range. Not the first, and probably not the last chance at a doe a young buck has screwed up for me. There was a really big girl in that group too.
I was out a few times this past weekend but the deer movement was painfully slow. I will be getting back out soon, hopefully things will pick up!
Sorry guys, I missed a good one Sunday evening. Everything was going as planned, the buck walked out of the bedding area 45min before dark and entered my shooting lane. The only problem was when I drew my elbow bumped the tree and I wasn't able to reach full draw. This changed my anchor point causing me to shoot low. I'm just thankful it was a clean miss. I hunted this stand three mornings and two evenings from Friday to Monday and saw six different bucks. Just two shooters. I get off work at 4:00 am and I'm planning to get in a few hours on stand before I have to go to bed. I have nine straight days to hunt (Oct 23-Nov 1) without having to worry about being rested for work! I can't wait!
Damn you! This better not cost us the championship! No need to apologize rb. Its just a silly internet contest. Hopefully you'll get another crack at him. Was it one of the bucks you have trial cam pics of?
Yes, Vito. I have several pictures of him. He not a STUD but he is a nice young buck. I don't think I can let him walk. I have an 8-point curse. I can't seem to kill anything bigger than an 8pt. This buck is a good solid 10 pt. What do guys think he will score?