I am checking in for buckjunky, he has been real busy with some home renovations (windows, siding etc) everyday after work trying to get done before our opener. He will be around shortly.
Here's the 9 I had pics of in hard horn now. He seems to be moving in the daytime, so I may get a crack at him. Not a giant, but our deer population is very low up here now and would have no problem taking him. Looks to be 4.5 to me. Season opens Sept 18.
I've only got 4 bucks on cam and only one pretty decent one, 2 around the 90-100 inch mark, and one spike
With the new property that I'll be hunting this season and number of deer I've been seeing, I haven't been this excited in years. Plan to check my camera one final time on this new place and then get it out of there, not to return until the season starts. I'll try to get some pics up soon. I set another stand on my dad's place in the biggest persimmon tree you'll ever see. It's about 50ft tall and you can't get your arms around it. My dad has been seeing a bachelor group of about five bucks with one good one in the bunch every morning and evening. I plan to set out a camera there Sunday.
Ontario season opens this Saturday, but I'll be filming a certain someone from The BBK killing a blackie.
The bucks I have on camera have disappeared. If one of them shows up again, Dusto3000 is going to be filming me schwacking one.
Sorry Guys , It has been crazy here. Im putting new windows in and siding the house plus working ten hour days. I Have to get it done becuase i told the wife i would have it done before hunting season thats two weeks away and we go on vacation friday till next friday. Well Anyways , sorry for being last ,frank
I don't think you understand what I am getting at.... I hear JZ hasn't been able to sit down since the last water hole celebration with Dusto....
AHHHHH!!!! I'll put him in the cabin with my brother then! See, I heard water hole and I thought the local pub.......forgot about the water hole.
Here's the best one we've got on cam so far, wish we had a full pic of him. He looks like a pretty good one to me.
I'm still not sure why I like you two slap jaws!!! Dan, you better be careful... I'll scream out loud when Salad Fingers walks in and your team will not be impressed!!!