I would like to take myself out of the running for El Capitan. I am a lifelong screw off with a short attention span. I am not meant to lead others. I can make team avatars if needed. I'm cool with Dan's One Uppers or Deez Nutz. I prefer team names that aren't lame, or directly imply how great of deer hunters we are. I would like to avoid names like "Deer Slayers!" and "Team Passthrough" if possible. In the end, any team name you guys want is fine with me. And if anyone on this team wants to pay for me to come hunt with them, and you have big bucks on your lands, I would be happy to add more points to our team. Just sayin'...
Me captain?? Na.. I'll pass. I'm a lemming and prefer to follow my lord over the ledge.. not lead us to it. Another vote for Dan's One-Uppers though.. that makes 3 I think. What say we gents?
I nominate Zim for captain. Sure, Dan's One-Uppers is fine with me. I'll never forget the first time I met Mike......."Ohhhhhh, you're a one upper." We were talking about shed finds.
Zim gets my vote too. Any team name will be fine with me. I pulled my SD card had 282 pics but nothing to brag about. Lots of does, should be more bucks when the rut gets here.
I think I said I found like 26 sheds the season before.. and you were like I found 27. But seriously.. I love ya Dano.. to bad we ain't huntin' together this year though. I'm gonna miss you and Miller. You two were the ying to Justin and my yang. I vote Zim as Captain.. and it looks like Dan's One-Uppers it is! Swweeetttt!!! Anybody onto anything big? Any good trailcam pics boys?? What say weez?
I'll be checking cameras Sunday at one of my main spots I'll be hunting. I think it'll either be a bust or there will be shooters galore.
Actually, you said you had found 22 the season before and I was like "I found 23 one day last season." It was true, but definitly a one upper. You know I love you more.....and I'm going to miss you a ton. Always a good time. I got a few decent ones up here, but nothing big or consistant. I'll post some pics in a bit.
Ill be checking my cams next weekend. They have been sitting for a month so they should have plenty of pics.
Dan.. very nice dude! Bet you can't wait to visit Illinois and chase Brasky! OK.. I've had 2 trailcams out the last month too.. still haven't checked either.. can't wait to do so as I'm relatively new to it. Zim.. you out there.. looks like you've been voted capn'.
Im here boys, its been busy the last couple of days with family get togethers and the MN State Fair...It looks like you guys want me to be the captain, so with that said, I will say I am a rookie at this, so I will need you vets on the team to guide me along. Also, it looks like everyone is game for the team name, so Dan's One-Uppers it is! Lets have a safe and fun bow season and lets put some bone on the ground!
Great looking bucks, Dan. Remember my offer to allow someone to pay for me to hunt their properties, still stands. You know, for the good of the team. I don't have any trail cams out, but my Dad took these pics from his kitchen window. He took them through a spotting scope so they aren't very clear. I doubt I will hunt this deer as I would much rather see my Mom or Dad kill him. Just thought I would share. This is a very good buck for their area.
Nice buck Matt. He's a shooter anywhere. Zim.. Being cap is pretty simple.. but you should try and contact this Buckjunky dude via pm to see if he's alive and well.
Real nice buck Matt. Checked a camera at my new place. I didn't see any shooter bucks, but it filled a 1GB card in less than five days. Deer activity during shooting hours. Saw several young bucks and lots of does. The big boys will show themselves sooner or later.
Nice buck Matt! If I could get a pattern on these big woods bucks, I would have you up in a heartbeat bud!