Burning got nixed for today as well, our KS county still has a burn ban on in spite of getting a little rain two nights ago. We did other stuff, food plot planning, etc...today but nothing to help me find sheds. Burns are just postponed but it'll be ten days at least before the ranch owner is back from a business trip and I won't burn without him being here for liability reasons. We could have burned one property this morning, it was plenty safe but the local law enforcement when we called them about burning got all pissy, lol.
Picked up 2 on a quick walk after work. On fresh spike shed and an old broken 4 pt. 62 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well, with everything being on fire over here my way I can see why they might get a lil testy. Hell I saw a tire blowout on I-135 start a fire yesterday.
Updated SC... AGAIN btw lmao.... Total - 93 I'll be back out again on Sunday, looking like rain for Saturday
We're getting rain now. Watch conditions get perfect for burning just as the landlord leaves for 8 straight days....frickn frick...
I feel like a Western shed hunter now. First one I've ever "glassed up." Stopped by a huge alfalfa field on my way home from work. Scanned it with my binos and after about 10 minutes I spotted it about 400 yds away. 63 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Awesome! I will be getting out one more weekend of training with the pup before I head to SD! I am getting more excited by the day!!
Tapatalk Cloud - Downlaoad File 20170310_174519.jpg Found an old one.... #5 for me Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
2 old ones last night. Same side from the same buck. 2 different years. They were 30 yds apart. 65 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Walked one of my main hunting farms yesterday. Weather was perfect for spotting sheds. Came out with 8 and a big deadhead. Up to 73 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ended the day with 4 sheds and 3 deadheads.... just glad it isn't a farm that I hunt..Total is 9 for me so far. Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
I think he may have been talking about the other dead heads. I called SD at lunch and got some bad news, they got snow last night and are supposed to get more tonight. I don't think it is a ton and it is supposed to be 35 on wednesday, then 42, 45 and 45 on saturday so hopefully it all melts!
I have been out three times this last week and not a danm thing! and now we just got some snow today so idk if ill have anything for this season
Snow has shut me down for a few days, but if finally started melting today and I found 6 tonight after work. 79 total Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nice Booner! Boss is supposed to be back this weekend, planning on trying to get one of the farms burnt off Sunday. Fingers crossed. I got my new White's Smoke Jumper boots this morning. I hope to have them sort of broken in by Sunday. They're quite a boot.