I have a neighbor that planted 300 acres of corn on the 24th.... It happens fast when it finally happens.
You ain't kiddin'! I can see the beans coming up where we disked the food plot under. I'm saying it's a little early to plant beans though. I know we don't have much ground but I'm waiting until Easter to plant our corn. I think we finally have that ole planter in working order.
Here are the results of the weekend road trip. 23 sheds and 6 deadheads. I thinking this will be it for me guys unless I happen to stumble upon one somewhere. Best shed season of my life. 118 total Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Had a couple bucks in the alfalfa last night, one was shed with fuzzy nubs.. the other still packing both sides lol SC updated 202 With any luck I'll still pick up a couple, usually do during turkey season.
In the immortal words of Keanue Reeves......."Whoa".... At least a couple of those sheds are borderline monsters. That 6 point and the 5 point with a shared base G2...very nice! Booner found more than the rest of us combined, lol. I can't hardly believe we broke 200!!!!
I found two more sheds this afternoon, that makes an even 40. Cool story to go along with them too. I'll post pics and tell the tale this evening.
2017 was awesome. Got the whole pile together and separated the best 4. I tried to pick them all up. I couldn't lol. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That buck in the pic is the one I've been following for years and have posted his pic many times, I named him Bone-afied. The end of winter 2016 he started looking really poor and I thought he died because I never recognized him in any pics in 2016. The old shed in the first pic is from that season (2015) shed roughly in Feb of 2016. The second shed pic...I found that shed about 60 yards from the old one and is fresh. Looking closely at them, they are from the same deer. Apparently Bone-afied survived and just lost so many inches I never recognized him all last season. I don't know if he lost so many inches because he got sick or just his age or a combination of both but both antlers are definitely from him. I didn't take a pic of them side by side but you can tell from their identical shape and the little extra point below the main brow tine (G1). I'm absolutely elated to realize he's still alive and running around on the hoof!!!! It would be awesome if he recovered and grew a nice 10 point rack again this year! Believe me, I looked hard for that left side...just couldn't find the darn thing! I'd love to have both sides from 2015!
That is a crazy pile Boone. Congrats man. And those four you picked out are some nice bucks. Any chance of getting after them this year? Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Dude, uhm..... whatcha doin?????? You realize this is a shed hunting team thread for team 2 right? Last time I checked I don't believe you're on team 2?
Thats a funny picture, no matter how many or how big we all feel like that. Sent from my SM-N920P using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Do a side by side id love to see that. Great finds and what a stud of a deer Sent from my SM-N920P using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Been away for a while but all I can say is wow! What a great year by the whole team and especially Booner!