Wish me luck. I'm going after mule deer today. I'm driving 2.5hrs each way for a 4hr hunt. I'm getting desperate to get out
Looks like things are about to pic up for everyone. I have yet to see a deer, but I've got a line on a new hunting area that isn't in a EAB zone! Dawg I've been wanting a camera but don't want to spend a bunch (saving for a new bow). How do you like that one? Give me a quick review. Thanks Good luck everyone!
dawg, first off sorry to hear about your son. second off, dam what a beast you just posted hope you get him buddy!
after an eventless morning hunt I too have seen zero deer this year, going back again this afternoon, first deer i see I will try and take. way to go tribal
Congrats tribal. Dawg goodluck with that buck. He is a monster. If I can find a way to get the muly I saw today I may be up there with min. Purple for big mulies. Here are some pics from where I was. By far the nicest place to hunt that I have.
I went out tonight and I had a small yearling doe 4 yards from my tree. I let her go then thought I should of shot her. LOL The next thing I hear is squealing of tires, honk of a horn, and a big BANG! After I got down I went up to the front of my property and he lies a small button buck. Sorry that I did not get that little fella before the car did.
Congrats on your deer Tribal !! Dawg.... great buck !! Good luck with him. Good luck with the muleys Jay !! Great pictures !! Nice to see everyone hunting now. Good luck to all of you !! Tim
finally saw some deer last night, and got busted by a doe at full draw at about 8 yards, just couldn't get her to give me the shot I wanted.
that totally sucks dawg007. Always hate when that happens but you had no way of knowing that he would have been hit by a car just a short time later.
Yeah. I'm growing tired of not seeing any deer. No does. No fawns. Nothing. Still getting lots of pics though. At night.
that is a stud DAWG, good luck with him! I'm off to a good start with that 13 pointer, he grossed 162 7/8 and I have that bigger one on trail cam that I have the sheds of, the big 11 pointer (Mr. T) should gross close to 180" typical boone and crockett.
Finally, after 7 sits I saw my first deer of the season. A small 6 pt. that came to the field edge looked for a few min. then wandered down right past another one of my stands. Not that I would have shot him, just glad to finally see one.
Hey Team just checking back in again. I have been out probably somewhere around a dozen times. I am seeing a few deer here and there. I have had two sits where I have not seen a deer. It's still early something will happen sooner or later!! Congrats to TJF and Tribal for getting some deer on the ground! I would be on here more but I dont have one of those fancy phones that will allow me on the internet from my treestand! Haha damn 2009 technology..!! Gd Luck everyone!!
Woo Hoo! I got daughters mom lined up to take my princess to school so I can hit the woods for the next two mornings so I hope to put some numbers on the board for us! I hope that the AM brings me some luck!