Anybody getting out hunting this week? I MIGHT get out this weekend.....God knows I need the time away.
I'm debating on going out sunday afternoon for a night sit but don't know yet. My weekend seems pretty busy. I'm hoping oct. will bring more hunting time for me.
The wife has filled up every weekend in oct. so I have to switch my plans and hunt the weekdays after work. I'm going to be out wed, thurs, fri. It looks like a rollercoaster for the weather though 66 wed, 83 w/ storms on thurs, and 67 and rain on fri.
Good luck and hope we all get what we are looking for! I dont start for another 9 days and boy they are going SLOW! I am ready like NOW!
Well I just finished setting out one of my cams and don't feel too good about it. I heard two people walking dogs below me and the gf was complaining that she didn't want to keep on walking so I just quickly put it up. It's on a new 20ac parsel boardering the land I shot my deer on last year so I want to check it out. I just hope u get a few pics until I get time to go back out and walk more.
Finally made it out last night. Didn't see a thing. I'm going to bag the hunt today w/ 85 degree temp and 35 mph wind gusts.
Seems weird being done already as far as this contest goes. I was out a couple nights ago since I have one more doe tag. I had a very good spot picked out but ran across a huge track and followed it. I've seen a lot of big tracks over the years but this one was the biggest. The buck making it is really heavy according to how deep it goes compared to other tracks. Anyways... it headed towards an observation knoll I like sitting on while scouting so I decided to sit on the knoll hoping to see this brute. I saw 3 bucks and one looked pretty nice but too far with binos to really get a good look at him. Of course I could see the spot I was going to sit for does and you guessed it... 3 does and a fawn walked right by the spot. LOL I got home and told the wife about the big track. She said I was suppose to be doe hunting not scouting. When I fessed up to sitting on the knoll looking for this buck and watching the does walk by... she wasn't impressed. LOL She kind of figured I would be scouting for the 2.5 week November season since I have a buck tag for that... so wasn't surprised. She knows me too well !! Tim
TJF with the start you already have this year I wouldn't feel bad about pursuing a potential monster. Good luck finding the deer that made those tracks.
I'd have trouble using up that last tag myself knowing my bow season was over so early. Good luck w/ finding the big track buck.
Out again last night in 45 mph wind gust. I was debating as my tree swayed in the wind if I could even make a good shot. It was worth it though as I saw one of the best sunsets I had seen in a long time. I'm off to Chi-town w/ the fam to visit some friends and take in a few sights. It will be the kids first visit to the big city, so it will be fun. I'll be back in the stand next week. Trying to balance the family life and hunting is not easy. I only hope this kid becomes a hunter and wants to be in the woods as much as I do.
I still need to go out and put my stand up, and potentially build a couple more stands. After this weekened we will be done our regular season for Football, and I will be done doing horse riding things with the gf so I'm hoping my weekends will free up a bit and get me some more time to get out hunting. We just got a job on a house that is 15min away from where I hunt so I'm hoping to sneak out for some morning hunts before we start work.
On the weekend I found a local guy selling a brand new API aluminum stand for $50. I'm still trying to get a hold of him to pick it up. I also decided to buy myself a new toy, might not hunt with it but am damn excited to get it. It's a 2010 Strother SR71. Black riser with predator camo limbs. I also walked my new parcel of land that I set my camera on and moved it to a better position. Looks like some good deer sign in there despite all the human activity. I got a picture of a small spiker where my camera was before, hopefully I will find a shooter in there. Here is a pic of my new bow that is getting shipped my way. Once I get my phone charged up I will also put up some pics of the new land I have to hunt on in fall colors.
I got a call today from a friend saying that there was a bog 5point hit by a car and left dead in a field about 5 miles from where I hunt. I sure hope it wasn't the monster I have on camera. I called the farmer and asked permission to go and look at the deer but he had said that someone came in the middle of the night and stole the head On a happier note, here are the pics of my new hunting land.