I am heading out in the morning for the first day.I can only hunt the morning, but I will give you all an update tommorow!!
This is not fair! I still have to wait untill the 1st of October! I also better get a text MOBOW! I better get a text from the other guys from the G2G too. Crick, Raceway, In Da Woods, Ferg, and JM and any others.
Two more days, just two more days! Thank God only two more days! Why can't tomarrow be Saturday? I might just bust out of my skin, I just can't wait to get in the stand. All I have to do is wash my clothes, spray down my gear, and I'll be ready. In just two more days! I can't take it. I hardly think about anything else all day. Everytime the wind blows I think w/ this wind I can hunt stand "x" or "y". Am I nuts, or are you all just as bad as me?
Rock on bro!! Well, it's amazing how quickly things change in the deer woods. The velvet peeled, bachelor groups split up and the beans turned yellow. Didn't see a single deer yesterday. After dark I checked my camera. Not a single picture in the last 2 weeks! I had em nailed down too. Bummer. Well, time to set up on the white oaks.
I hung the buddy stand so that my 9 year old daughter can sit with me this year. The test will begin with that and on how she does will depend on how late in season I take her. LOL
I know we haven't decided upon a name yet, but here was a quick idea of what we could use as avatars for our team name if we did go with the Boiler Room Brawlers.
I can not wait to score for us! I am wanting to get in on the hunt like NOW! We dont open untill the 1st of Oct and really wish it was tomorrow!
Um, dude.....I like it. What's everyone else think? I won't be doing much hunting over the next few weeks. We're going hot and heavy at the house right now. I'll be building the shed this weekend. The septic system is in and I'm waiting on the county to inspect it so they can cover it all up. Once they get that done, I'll be smoothing out what's left of my yard and seeding. I need to plant about 4 trees in the back yard.....Power wash the siding, paint the shutters.....paint the walls....I'm gonna be hard at it to get everything done by mid-October. My goal is to be moved in by the second weekend in October. Then I'll be hunting hard. I'll get out as much as I can in the meantime, but it won't be very much. The pattern of the bucks I was getting pictures of have changed drastically, but I'm still getting them.
Anyone on here want to pm me there phone number? with all of these teaser friends bugging me cause I'm out of the loop, I wouldn't mind sending out a text to someone on our team as payback to the others if I get lucky this year.