First off! Crick you going down buddy! Right Mobow? Well, I went out to check trail cam and it did not have anything worth putting on here. BUT, on the way in I spotted a bedded nice sized fawn at 10 yards. I stopped to look at it and it did not move. I went to my trail cam and checked it. I then was walking out and the fawn was still there. It was not moving so I was thinking the worst due to it being big enough to run off with mom instead of staying bedded to hide. I took one step towards it and it lifted its head to see what I was doing so I stopped. I was at 10 yards and it watched me go back up the hill to my truck. I grabbed my cell phone due to not having my camera due to rain and went back to see if I could get a picture. The fawn was still there. I then took some pictures with my cell and kicked myself in the butt for not taking camera. This was the third fawn I have walked on before and had camera on both of the others. Here is the little one!
It's pretty sweet seening those spotted fawns running around. I've been seeing a pair w/ their mother all summer at work almost daily. I keep thinking to myself that they better wise up quick or they will be on someones dinner plate. They pay almost no attention to us as we drive by. All the deer have really been hitting the white oak acorns hard for the past couple of weeks on the course.
A buddy of mine got this fella on his trail cam! I hope that one of us bring him down! Hope he stays in the area!
He's a monster. Good luck with him. I just found out I lost a fair bit of my hunting land due to development in a area that I have scouted pretty hard this year. Hopefully I can still find the big guy in there.
I am yet another one who lost a lease this year! I was really looking forward to hunting this ground again this year, but its not gonna happen!
Checked one of my cameras this morning. I got pictures of 9 different bucks. 3 of them are over 130 and of those, 1 is pushing 150 and the other is low 140's. Biggest deer I've ever got pics of and they're on my home farm that I've hunted all my life. I'll post some pics up later when I get home.
Wow, looks like some great deer! You are lucky to have such a great home base. I'm looking forward to seeing you sitting next to one of those bucks in full color.
My buddy is lucky that this guy is his pet! Here is Nebo my buddies 8 point buck! To me he is a shooter!
We need to get a captain and a name. I vote for Don . He was a darn good captain last year and knows what to do. Names... No Name Bent Shafts Busted You No See Me ( If Cena has a problem with that... we will send Tribal to kick his arse ) Hunt-Aholics Tim