Well I had a nice 5x5 come by at around 32-35 yards. He was walking quick and I wasn't sure if I wanted to shoot him. I tried to get pics but my camera died from stupid cold batteries.
I will be heading out in the morning again. I hope that my big boy finds me! We will see what happens. I will even down another doe if ones comes by. I like meat and does are great for that. I have let some small bucks walk in hopes for some MONSTER to find me. Crossing my fingers!
dawg ... what the heck did your post mean on that "For those who dont like teaser threads" thread mean?
Hey guys I got a doe down for us! I have passed on several small bucks the past couple weeks but a big doe came in and I decided to fill the freezer! I only have 4 more solid days off of my 26 day vacation, so hopefully a buck to my standards will present itself in the next few days. I will try and get pics up soon enough for our 50 Points!
Well, here is a news update on my 10 pointer that I shot Nov. 10th! I went out this morning and it was just getting light out to see across my CRP field. I thought I heard something out in the field but did not see anything. The next thing I hear is a splash and the sound of a deer walking in the water. I look over to the river and here is the 10 pointer that I shot crossing the river to the other side. I grunted and bleated at him for him to just stop and look back. He wanted nothing to deal with me. He was walking find and did not look as if he is hurt. So I think that I just gave him a battle wound! Now he can say he has been shot and lived! That is only for now untill I get another shot at him. Just a matter of time! That was the only deer I saw this morning but I also saw 4 yotes and a skunk!
I use photobucket and dont have issues. Download them to photobucket then copy image url and then past in your comment section. That is what I do and it works.
Thanks for the help guys. Now that I have calmed down let me try one more time......Ohhh and not only do I suck at uploading pic's, this was the first time I have ever tried to take my own pics alone in the woods. Wow that was probably more aggravating then trying to get these pictures to upload!! Bowtech Admiral 70lb Easton Flatline 340 Slick Trick Mag 100grn
Congrats on the nice doe. Well, I blew the easiest chance at the 10 pointer I have been after. I posted the pics in this thread somewhere probably 120". I was recording rabbits in the opposite direction when I hear footsteps. Turn my head slowly, yup the big ten 30 yars away and closing the distance right at me. Sitting down no chance. I tried to get up slow when I lost sight behind me and he spooked and ran about 20 yards in cover. Called and called but he just kept on his way. Be back tomorrow am for redemtion. So unlike me I always am ready. I didn't think I was going to see much from all the duck hunters pounding away around me. Sigh
Darn so close !!! Good luck tomorrow. We still have geese and ducks here also. Heck there were guys from Minnesota hunting them this past week. You never see that during our 2.5 week General Deer Season ! Usually everything is froze over and they are gone this time of year. There is nothing more agrivating then setting up along a big slough full of mallards and having to listen to them quack all day. LOL Tim
Congrats on the doe Hardwood! I had a rough weekend again. No deer sighted, and next weekend is gun opener. It has been a month since I've seen a deer while hunting. My wife also had a major brain fart. She unplugged the chest freezer in the basement to vaccum a couple of weeks ago, and today when I went to grab some jerky during the bears game I dicovered a couple hundred dollars of warm meat. Very upsetting, but even more motivation to hunt hard and fill it back up. I do have some good news though. I was invited to a co-workers cabin up north anytime I want to go for some late season bowhunting. I will deffinately take him up on it. The only thing is I've never hunted in a baited area. I never really liked the idea of baiting. I might just hunt the travel routes and not over the actual bait. Wait and see I guess. My view might just change. You never know until you experience it for yourself. Good luck guys!
Actually you probably would be better hunting the travel routes. Catch the deer heading to the baited areas during the daylight instead of seeing them come into the baiting areas at last light. I suspect they will be leary of going to bait until afer dark if pressured at all. Hunt close to bedding areas and catch them coming out in the evenings or going back into them in the morning. It just depends on how much they have been pressured. Good luck !! Sorry to hear about the freezer !! Hopefully your luck turns around and late season treats you better. Tim