Mobow nice deck only one problem! Where are the chicks in skimpy outfits to serve up what In da Woods and the Dawg will be cooking up? Then we have to put up a stronger/older version of the metal target made by Crick! Then we are all in there!
Well, it is almost that time! I can not wait untill wednesday due to that I will be on a paid vacation untill December 6th! WOOT WOOT! I will be out smoking as many does and two MONSTER bucks I hope! We will see. Bring it on!
I don't know if I mentioned this earlier, but I was going to cross shooting a doe off of my list for the year due to all the meat I have, but after my trip to my taxidermist (good family friend) her and her husband asked if I could shoot them a deer for some meat. So bring on the does or monster bucks!!!
The owner of my property wants some sausage so I have to down an extra also! Everyone asks at work that dont like to hunt but love the meat. Plus just for day shift there is over 400 staff!
Mobow. With all of your free time come on up here. I know where there is lots of deer. You can't catch up on things when you get back. Haha
Well if I would of sat either of my 2 stands yesterday I would have saw the 3.5 year 10 that I have several photos of. At least he is moving during the day now. I am back down in the metro for 2 days this week so theres a chance I could see that booner they say is there.
It is absolutely nuts here. I am trying to fill another doe tag and the 2.5 and 3.5 year old bucks keep chasing the does away from me. Last night I setup about 70 yards from a rock pile with pigweeds. I wanted to setup in the rock pile but a 4x4 was guarding it. Right away two younger bucks wandered up to the rock pile so there were 3 of them. I had two doe come my way only to get chased away by the younger bucks. The older 4x4 seemed content on guarding the rock pile. I saw two other groups of does and fawns ( 9 total ) and they avoided the rock pile like the plague. Apparently these buck have harrished them enough already. The pigweeds are just beat to pieces with the bucks rubbing on them since there isn't a tree in the area. Still was a fun night. I had one of the younger bucks hanging out with me the last 20 minutes of light. He couldn't figure out what I was even after I waved at him and messed with him. He really reminded me of a very dumb 1.5 year old buck last year in the same spot. This guy was a 2.5 year old and I would almost bet money he is the same buck. How he survives rifle season I can't imagine. LOL Tim
Finally! Monkey off the back. I saw 6 this evening. A doe busted that I didn't see busted me drawing on a 140 class 10. Damn I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow!
Wow, heartbreak for a close call like that. Good Luck and a bummer that your feeling sick all of a suden. (wink) (wink)
I heard he was coming down with a nasty bug also. Only cure is a lot of vitamin E as in sunshine 20 feet up. Geez Don... bummer about the close call. Tim
WOO HOO! I went out last night and saw nothing from my blind! On my way out I saw my monster buck with an 8 pointer with does. I am going out in the morning but I am very happy right now. At 3:00 pm I am now officially on VACATION for 5 weeks! Watch out deer here I come! Here is the buck that was in my field last night and I will be checking trail cam tomorrow too!
Nice Dawg, go get him. He is a bruiser. Looks like work might be slow at the end of the week, well slow enough I can take a couple mornings off maybe so I might get a day or two in for hunting. We just need Gri22 to score that buck so we can take back our 1st place.
It was a up and down morning for me this morning! I got to my ground blind and got settled in. I was looking around behind my blind to notice a buck walking the edge of the timber. I got ready due to not knowing what size the buck was. When he got to my left it was my small freak buck. I have one picture of him in velvet and I had him at 25 yards. He stopped and kept watching my blind. I tried to get my movie camera on him and he just would not let me move. He stood there for about 2 minutes then turned around and jogged off knowing that something was not right at that time. He kept watching where there was some Canadian Geese on the edge of the river before he turned and went away. I then saw some Wood Ducks in the river and took some pictures of them as they went by my blind. Then not even 10 minutes later I noticed two does in the CRP field. I drew back my bow on the HUGE doe in the lead. I had her in my line of fire and when I fired I thought I heard a smack on wood. The doe ran off about 20 yards and then off back into the CRP. I played my shot over and over in my head to see I was right on. After I went to look around where she was standing I found the sound that I imagined in my head! I was right on when I said it sounded like wood! It was a clean miss! I hope she comes back!
tough luck dawg, keep at it though. That is one freak of a young buck, he will be a monster in a couple years.