great job jay, and that bow looks sweet as well. I am leaving friday for Kansas and to say I am excited would be an understatement. Hopefully I can contribute some points to the cause..
dmen Good luck in Kansas. Shoot a big one but mostly just remember to have fun !! Fun of course is shooting a big one !! LOL Tim
I got up this morning to get ready for work and can not believe the wind! WOW! 69 degrees out there with 30 MPH winds from the south! So if anyone is going hunting please be careful in your stands. I just hope that my ground blind is still steaked down. We will see tomorrow morning when I get back out. LOL My weather bug even says there is a tornado watch!
Congrats JayB that is a awesome buck. Been really slow around here, saw a few does at Camp Ripley but not much on my cams as far as deer numbers. Corn is still up and effecting my spot big time. Now with several inches of rain not sure how soon it will be coming out. Have a decent 10 pointer on cam only goes about 115 inches but I am on surrounded by public land so he will do. Good luck all.
Good luck with your buck tribal. I have a similar 5 point on my hunting land that I'm debating on taking if I get the chance. I was dropping off my deer at my taxidermist last night (close family friend aswell) and they said that they would be willing to pay for butchering if I get them a deer. Looks like I might be able to take a doe for our cause still
Will check it out... congrats again !! Tribal... good luck with your hunting. We got dumped on too. 3 inches of rain but not much snow. Snow is pretty much gone now. Most of the corn is harvested in my immediate area. Going to be really interesting when our General Deer season opens up in Nov for 2.5 weeks. Would love to shoot another buck with bow as I drew a buck tag this year. Will carry my 270 though just incase I need a bit more range should a see a nice one. Tim
Well guys, things have been real slow out this way. Although the leaves have been flying by my window. The winds have pushed 60 mph the past couple of days. It looks to be a good weather weekend coming up. I moved a couple of stands this past weekend so I hope things improve. Congrats again to everyone that has scored so far on a good season, and good luck to all.
Man I need to check in more. Way to go Jay!! Nice buck dude!! What little I have gotten out, I haven't seen a deer yet this year. I'm gonna be out heavy this weekend and I have 12 days off in November for the rut, but I fear we'll be moving about then. If I can figure out how, I'll post up some video of the deck. The place is looking awesome!
Jay, how do you like your Strother bow? I called them just today about picking up their bow line in my shop. I'm familiar with his old Elite line, I've shot several of them. Good bows and these look to be very good as well.
The Strother SR-71 is a great bow. It's draw is a little rough but to be expected out of a bow this fast. It still has a little smoother draw, a little quieter and less shock than the destroyer. The only problem is that Strother Archery actually just cut their contract with Kevin Strother. He has now moved on and is just about to release pictures of his new line of bows. He has two models out now and they both look good. The one is going to have a IBO of 340 and is supposed to be smoother and quieter than my bow, just a little slower. They are retailing for around 760 and seem to be a great bow. Kevin Strother is the same guy that help start up bowtech before going over and designing the Elite bows and the Strother Archery bows.
What in the world is up with that guy and not being able to keep a job?? That is just........weird. His bows are awesome, there is no doubt of that. I just can't figure it out. Well I don't know whether to pursue this line or not. What's up with this guy anyway??
I'm not sure what happened with strother archery. I know that he wad never a partner in their company, just the designer even though the company was name after him. Weird situation from the start. I guess he is a brilliant designer maybe just tough to do business with. His new company is called k&k archery. He is only making 1500 bows this year to keep up with demand. I think he already had 400 or so pre sold without even having any pictures or anything available. If they are as good as they sound I might be taking my money from my diamond Marquis and buying one. The new elites are supposed to be pretty nice too. You can't complain withtheir warranty either.
Well I guess I'll return their call tomorrow and see what's up. Hopefully they have a rep that can come out and show us their line. Setting up our product line is proving to be one of the more difficult parts of this venture. Yeah. That's right. I'm building a house and starting up an archery pro shop at the same time. I've got enough stress for everyone to get their fill. LOL I even plan on sitting in my best spot Sunday. So long as its not over run with kids. MO's youth hunt is this weekend so it could go either way.
Well let's see if this works. Click the link to check out my super bad azz deck at the house.
Things are looking good mobow. If you can get elite bows in I think that would help you out. They seem to be getting a very good rep and growing very quickly. Good luck with all of your ventures. You seem to be a very busy man.