Team 19, where are ya?! 24. mobow 29. Dawg007 56. Dmen 58. IL.Hunter.FF.EMT 65. gri22ly 66. JayB22 68. WesternMdhardwoods 74. Tribal 86. TJF 92. jrvs23
MOBOW we teamates! I just hate to go against the fellow G2G guys! LOL Sorry Blood! OK for those of you that dont know me my name is Steve from Central Illinois and will be hunting with a Bowtech Pro 38!
WesternMdHardwoods checking in! My name is Seth and I will be hunting in Maryland only this year. Looking forward to a fun year!!
Wow... pretty good team guys. I'm thinking you guys are the early favorites to unseat the champs. Good luck.
checking in Checking in here guys! Looks like a good team. I can't wait for my season to start on the 18th. Good luck!
Season starts on the 15th! I may not be a given on getting a nice buck for the team, but I can assure you i will get a doe or two this year!! I need to fill the freezer again this year! When do the rest of your seasons open?
We didn't pay off anyone to get a good team. That would be cheatin. However we would have pay Justin alot to keep you off of it !! :D You stay away from my bucks dammit !!! He is all mine !!! Tim
our expanded season opens the 11th but I am going to be bear hunting the first few weeks. I haven't done alot of whitetail scouting here yet as I have been using my spare time baiting bears, but I do have a trip to Kansas at the end of October for a week hunt so I am pumped for that and hope to put a nice buck down to contribute to the team.
Jay checking in. Looks like we have a great team. I'm leaving Sunday night to the Rockies for my elk/mule deer trip. Ill be hunting all over Alberta.
Ok, sorry guys.....I've had a busy couple of days. The end of the month is always chaotic for me at work, and I end up working quite a few hours. I'll try to check in at least once a day to see what's going on. My season opens Sept. 15 and runs through Jan. 15. I have really high anticipation this year. I have quite a few bucks located, and have some new ground to hunt this year. I may not kill a giant. Hell, I may not even kill a P & Y, but I'm pretty sure I'll kill one. My goal this year is 2 does and at least 1 buck. My only hang up is my house. Every week this thing gets delayed is another week my season gets cut into. I may not get to do much hunting at all until October, but I'll be out as much as I can. I look forward to this contest every year. I enjoy getting to know my team mates and chatting with you guys.