I have until 1/31 in MS and 2/15 in LA so we shall see. I took the bow out today but only saw a bobcat chasing a rabbit Our rut is just now starting to kick in. Hopefully I can arrow one!
Our season ends Feb 1 So I'll be hitting it hard this weekend and till then Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
awesome guys... jealous! I go into my usual post season funk now... ugh.. ice fishing and my kids sports are all I have until spring turkey season... which starts late here... lol
Well my season was over January 1st. I've had a great season but it could have ended better. I love hunting new years day, I've had really good success. This year was bitter sweet. I hunt one stand on new years and look forward to it when the time comes. About 30 minutes before legal shooting time needed six does made their way from a bedding area about 150 yards from the stand. Right behind them was an mid to upper 140s type of deer. I was jacked he would have been by far my biggest buck. He steps out at 33 yards I mouth grunt to stop him, let the arrow sail and it looked good. I waited about 30 minutes got down and started tracking. He was bleeding good, bright red blood no bubbles about fist sized. It started to slow down so we backed out for an hour, came back and picked up right where we left off. 50 to 75 yards later the blood started back up again. 300 yards later he jumps on to the neighbors property which sucks cause he's butt and refuses to let people on his property to retrieve wounded game. That was a tough pill to swallow. I still got my biggest buck this year with a bow which is still amazing, just waiting to get it back from the taxidermist so I can tape him and get him entered.
well season is over here in Illinois and I was only able to contribute to the team once...... sorry guys
I hate this time of year.. after bow season ends gun season changes everything. I did manage to get out and get a couple more does at the end with the smokepole, but it just isn't the same. I love bow hunting deer and could care less about the rest. Season ended Dec 31.. and the "winter blues" have set in. Thankfully I am busy with my daughter's hockey and other daughter's basketball for another month.. i'll try to get a bit of ice fishing in to fill the other time... and pray for spring to get here to get after the turkeys. I bought a "new" used quad the other day, so that will give us something to do as well. I hope everyone is doing well and having a great new year!
Can yall not bow hunt during gun season? I had plans to head up to my place and bowhunt this weekend but a buddy called and wants to go try to thin some does at his place so thats what I'm doing. Bringing the bow but I'll likely just rifle hunt.
We can bow hunt during gun, but the number of idiots that just flood the woods during gun season just changes the game... not very fun.
Contest is closed now.. Great season everyone... it's been a blast... Got a call from the taxidermist yesterday. the velvet buck I shot back in September is done. I am taking the 1.5 hour ride this afternoon down to CT to pick it up. I will post a pic up tomorrow... fingers crossed it is all that I have been day dreaming about.