Well tonight was amazing! Saw 2 giant bucks but one only had one side of his rack they both would probably go 135 or 140 of course when the buck has his other side! But I hope to be out again when I get a chance
I had a good night. Saw two okay bucks, not shooters but it is encouraging. The trail camera is lighting up and I have had a of good deer hanging around at night, hopefully they are there tomorrow morning.
Here is one fella I hope shows up again. http://forums.bowhunting.com/showthread.php?41484-How-big-is-he
It has been really slow this morning. I'm fearing that lockdown is here and the rut snuck past me this year.
Gonna do something I haven't done in a while. I think it's been 3 years since I carried a gun into the woods deer hunting. But I'll be out there tomorrow with my shotgun and orange on. From what I'm hearing, the heavy rut is just kicking in around my farm. Bout damn time!!
Havent been out this weekend. East river rifle opened so I have been laying low. No need to get in the way of a bunch of flawlessly executed deer drives.
deer are rutting hard here in SE PA but seasons closed..... doe only till the day i go back to school... this sucks
Getting my new bow set up! Should have it by Tuesday! Hopefully I can kill this 140 I've seen every time I'm in the stand near his home area. I saw him yesterday at about 55 yards but that's just a tad out of my range. But I have moved my stand within 15 yards of the trail I've seen him on every time I hunt! This should be a really good stand.. Hopefully I can get him down this week/weekend will keep everyone posted
Sorry guys, he walked by me with a gun in my hands. I promise I'll get us some points. I just had a hard time shooting anything knowing this guy was out there and might show up at any time. I'm going to take more time and score him tonight, but a quick tape job on the back of my truck has him around 185" Just got done taping him. I came up with 186 6/8" gross. That should be pretty damn close.
That is a buck of a lifetime, JM. How many years have you been pursuing him? What does the next biggest buck walking around your property look like? I love seeing a trophy going down and someone who knows how to take pictures!
I told you. Don't discount him. He's awesome. You could have killed him with a hand grenade and I'd be thrilled to congratulate you.
Positive this is the 2nd year after him and I'm still trying to figure out if an 11 pointer I had pics of in 2010 is him. It quite possibly is. I have a couple good 8 points around. One is a solid 140ish buck and the other might push 150. Neighbor saw a clean 12 that he said would go 160. And after the gun season who knows what might get pushed around. But I am sure gonna miss getting video and pics of BD.
Boy you have some solid critters running around. If you ever need some of those less than booners culled out, South Dakota is only a stones throw away!
Congratulations on that buck! That must have been exciting. Man those brow tines are cool looking in the top pic! So you mentioned that you couldn't shoot knowing there was a monster out there, does that mean you only get one buck tag?
No I've got another buck tag for archery. I just didn't want to shoot a deer and have this guy just around the next tree and scare him out of the area. Or have to track one thru the whole property and bust him out of his bedding area. Too much pressure and these deer don't stick around.