Well I shot my new bow again last night and made some small adjustments and almost every arrow is touching at 20 yards. Today I'll start with sighting in at 30 yards and then 40 tomorrow. I'll wait and sight it in at 95 yards after I sell my real estate in FL. This guy is hanging out at my failed food plot at night, but he might need a couple of more years. what do you all think? here is a small 6 pointer also in my failed food plot. I have tons of Does all times of the day in this opening that was supposed to be a food plot. Doen't pay attention to the time and date because I forgot to format after changing batteries 2 1/2 weeks ago.
Sup guys? Are you still a member short? I have an alternate looking for a home and will send him your way if you need another. Let me know!
both of them look like they have potential. though if i had a shot on either of them i might take it.
Saw a really nice 8 pointer today right by the house, can't wait for the season to kick off! Hopefully I can get some trail cam pics of that 8 to show you guys, he's a real nice looking deer.
Although I am excited to be currently engaging in Octoberfest in La Crosse WI (big event!) I just got off the phone with my brother who was on stand tonight and he seen 25 deer, 7 of which were bucks. He passed on a nice 2 1/2 year old 15 inch 9 point at 14 yards. I'm glad he is seeing door, but man it kills be that I wasn't able to be our in the woods tonight or for the next week for that matter. My dad who doesn't bow hunt (just gun hunts and loves to check trail camera and scout/just loves being outdoors) scouted another field tonight where he had 3 bucks come out into the beans (beans are not attractive right now in our area as they froze 10 days ago/most everything has been in the alfalfa). 1 was an 18+ inch 8 point that has shorter tines and the other is a buck on my hit list that I still don't have a picture of. He is a tall tined 17 inch buck with good mass. It only makes being away from the woods that much harder.
hey guys I have my first bucks every coming in on my pile.. one looks like a 3pt and one looks like a 5pt I will post them on here if yall want me to! Also my first game camera every too!
bwahahahaha i cheated and i looked in the trail camera thread, i see your deers, good luck with them man.
My brother sat again last night in a stand I've been trying to get us in as I know there are some studs feeding down from bedding to alfalfa in the evening on this oak ridge. The area also has a secluded overgrown field that I feel the deer stage in. Well anyway he sat it last night therefore being our first sit in this area. We have gun hunted here and hunted the adjacent property, however the first time in here. He had around a 20 inch 10 point at 15 yards and couldn't get a shot. This isn't even 1 of the 3 bucks were hunting on that property so looks like now we have a 4th. He also had a nice 2 1/2 year old 16inch 6 point present him with a shot which he elected to pass on. Not a lot of movement, but definitely was in the right stand! This Friday evening I will get a short hunt in and then be able to get out all weekend again.
Hey guys- I have found you an alternate, nedyarb. I just PM'ed him letting him know that he's going to be hunting with you punks this year, so keep an eye out for him! Good luck to you guys!
Hi, all. My name is Rob and it looks like I have been invited to be an alternate on your team. This is my first year of bowhunting and I am excited to give this sport a chance. I have a lot to learn and have nobody to teach me so please offer up any advise, and don't be surprised if I ask a ton of stupid questions. Rob
I guess I should give a little more info. I live in Omaha NE. I have never even shot a deer,I grew up in Denver and hunted from the time I was 14 til 18 but never shot a mule deer. I am 37 now and my dad gave me his bow last year. It is a Golden Eagle bow that is 20 years old. My parents bought 40 acres this summer and it looks like deer heaven, but I put out a trail cam 3 months ago and have 1 pic of a deer. We are putting corn out with a automatic timer. Which has been getting eaten up by turkeys and raccons. I have seen 5 or 6 does when I have gone up there but none on the cam. I have hunted 3 times this year and have had a 40 yard shot, that I did not take. And last night I had a doe 20 yards away but when I reached for my bow it ran off. So I know there are deer but I have not seen any bucks. I am hunting out of a two man ladder stand and a groundblind. There is a corn field to the east and a soybean field to the west. There is a creek that runs down our property with tons of trees, but so far I am not seeng a lot of deer so I am a little worried so far. Sorry so long winded, but later I will post a pic of the property, and maybe you guys can give me some tips Thanks Rob
Welcome Rob! We are glad to have you. We are happy to help you as much as possible so just ask whatever questions you have any we will see if we can help you out.
So do we now have more hunters than other teams or are all the teams taking on one more? Also, Rob we are here to help man share as much as you'd like and ask as many questions as come to mind, there is no such thing as a dumb question especially in this game. Bowhunting is a learn as you go experience, mostly learning by past mistakes(regretably so). Ok lets take your first mistake and look into it. You reached for your bow and she saw you and bolted...now how do you keep that from happening again? Maybe wait until she looks the other way or has her head behind a tree so it cant see you or have your bow ready in your lap (what I do)? I'm just throwing that out there as an example man because it is actually a really good one considering that ALL of us have probably been busted reaching for our bow, the point I'm trying to make is that we not forget the little things that lead to our killing a deer or not. Welcome to the team.
Got 11 new bucks on 3 of our cameras today. 2 are nice 2 1/2 year olds. 3 others are nice deer that we will add to our hit list. I'll be posting pics under trail cams. In addition my brother seen 2 17inch 8pt last night in our alfalfa we don't have on camera. Tonight we shined a true giant across the road from our property. Cameras have really been giving us some great inventory this past week so as I said earlier I'm excited to get back in the woods this Friday. My brother will be hunting all week. He has found out that the people leasing the a 40 acre plot of adjacent property are hunting the fence line. Completely legal...yes, but crappy as well...yes. They can clearly see our stand 20 yards away so kind of frustrating. That is compiled by the fact that the person who lease it has a filled buck tag already. Now they are just bringing other people in to hunt on it.