here you go. Double lunged him with a NAP Bloodrunner 2 blade, unbelievable how big of a cut these things leave. Wasn't more than 10-15 seconds before he went down! Figure he weighed around 150 lbs. which is good considering the average bear taken in Maine is about 120 lbs. Now I can focus on deer!
He's beautiful, will you have a mount or a rug made? Maybe you hunt bear alot? Idk it would probably be a once in a lifetime deal for me so i'd try to have something done. Any way good job we're very happy for you.
This is actually my first bear. I'm planning on getting a shoulder mount done, he has a really nice coat. Thanks!
Great bear bro. I finally got a pic of Ghost but once again his head is blurry. Hince the name Ghost, anyway I must have not saved those pics to my pc. But I now have 8 bucks on my ground. 2 are shooters.
On the original team list I'm on team 18. But on the team 18 thread I'm not on there. Anyone know anything about this?
JCraig, congrats on the bear. Beautiful coat on him. Hey guys, I just wanted to update you on my hunts so far. In MD I saw a lot of deer and got some great footage of deer literally right under my stand. I could've shot a couple of small bucks and some does, but I know there are some very good bucks down there so I'm going to wait. A couple of guys missed some 110-120" bucks down there. The one guy it would have been his first deer with a bow as he's only shot deer with a gun and crossbow to this point. The other guy I think felt the pressure of the camera and blew an 18 yard shot. It happens. I took my 6-year-old son out on Saturday for PA's early antlerless season. We almost got a doe. I had 3 coming in and they locked up at 35 yards out when they caught him moving a bit too much and blew out of there. All in all it was a fun hunt. Here is a pic from the stand:
you was listed as a no show and the admin team replaced with alternates. the original list was not updated with the changes.
Well after shooting the heck out of my bow and not being consistent, I shot a PSE Stinger this morning at bass pro while I was in Chicago. My arrows where mostly touching each other. Bow is sold. I am officially a proud owner of a 2011 PSE. NOW BRING ON THE DEER PEEPS.
Well congrats on the doe! Congrats on the new bow Shane. Got just over a week left til the season starts, excited!
2 days till season starts, getting psyched. finding it hard to sit here at work, i find myself looking out the window. temps look good for the weekend, still warm but cool in the am.
Hunted opening weekend. 2 morning sits and 1 in the evening. Opening morning was pretty uneventful. I sat what has always been a solid acorn ridge with alfalfa fields to the east and west down in the valley. Turns out this was the only area where I don't have a major acorn crop this year which was a bummer to find out as it became daylight. There are 2 bedding areas to the north of my stand and the deer funnel down this ridge to get there. Only seen 3 does/dawns and a coyote. Saturday night I sat another acorn ridge on a smaller property. Again this is an acorn ridge with alfalfa fields off both sides of it. Dee bed deeper into the timber and come out into these two fields. I seen 13 deer all does and fawns. I also had my first encounter with a fisher this year. A lot of movement and deer truly on acorns, however, not shooter bucks passing by. Both of these sits I had great access with the morning sit allowing me the enter through a ditch in the woods allowing deer to pass by me back to bed and then in the evening I was able to enter via field access. Sunday morning I sat in the rain until 8:15 and called it a day. It was scattered but I forgot my tree umbrella and was not in a blind. It didn't start until I got in the woods. The area I hunted has been being logged the last 3 weeks and will continue to be all season long (This will be a major obstacle for me on my largest property). I still haven't seen a buck, however, I moved cameras again to try and get MRI. My brother and I's plan is to stay out of areas too much to educate the deer and were really focusing on the wind this year more then even. That said, we have stayed out of our best spots and still haven't hunted 2 farms. Unfortunately I will not be hunting again until september 30th. Again I will only be hunting weekends with the exception of October 28/29 and 4 more possible days hunting off during the rut. I'm excited about what lies ahead, but every week kills me as I leave the woods knowing I can't hunt for another 5 days. Congrats on the bear kill, very eventful I'm sure. Who's going to jumps start this team and get us on the board?!
Ops my bad once I get home I will switch my avatar I used the captains by accident lol stupid me Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk