Ok, I'll have a busy week. 1. buy a new bow. 2. sight in new bow. 3. check trail cameras. 4. replant some radishes. 5. post pics of "Ghost". (hopefully)
Hey guys im checking in! Im a alternate put on the team my name is adam and Im from south jersey.. my season started saturday so hopefully il get a big buck to post! Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk
Welcome Adam. I look forward to seeing a pic of you fist pumping next to a big buck. lol All so, I've added some changes to the avitar. What do you all think about this one?
Haha i will post it haha.. bucks are a rarity here but il be patient and get one! And that avatar looks sick! Once i get home to my mac il make it my avatar idk if i can from my phone Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk
Greetings everyone. Vendetta checking in! Opening day is Thursday! Hoping to put at least 50 points on the board on that day. Rumor has it that there is a 130-140s buck on the property I'm hunting too!
seems all of our team have late start dates. what part of mo you from? i grew up in JeffCo/ High Ridge area
I live in O'fallon, hunt in the Perry Co area. Also looking at heading north a bit this season with a buddy of mine to some public ground. Fiancee and I are looking at buying some ground in Warren co here soon too. Have appt to go look at 24 acres this week. Hope it looks good when we get out there. The price is right.
Don't forget to lay down the smack talk, especially towards team 6. Tineacious? Seriously? Tineevenablinddogfindsitsasseveryonceandawhile is more like... lol
Hmm.. I guess I should do an introduction as well.... My name is Eric. I'm 30 y/o ICU nurse working in St Louis Mo. I hunted for about 5 years, then took a decade off. I've killed more deer with a bow than a gun, but I struck out last year. I don't gun hunt anymore though, only bow for me now. I am originally from a small town south of St Louis, and that is where I hunt. I'm one of two bowhunters that hunt the land of my Aunt and Uncle (about 300 acres). My cousin says there's about a 140s deer on the farm (8pt that I passed on last year), so the race is on. I enjoy being a pita, and I'm pretty good at it. My gf and I are leaving right after I finish typing this to go look at 24 acres that we may be making an offer on. I'm hoping it looks good. Though, I'm not sure exactly where it is... just round abouts.. as it's a bankruptcy sale, and there hasn't been a survey done. It's about 20 minutes away from where I live, so we're hopeful. I'll post an update when we get home!
Good luck on the new land Eric! Bad and good news. Bad news, I shot a bear this evening with it's paws and head in the bucket. (everything is going great so far) As soon as I released my arrow the ******* thing dropped down from the barrel and my shot was waaaay high. Good news, I managed to get lucky enough to only give the bear a nice little haircut. Bummed about missing but glad he wasn't wounded.
So... we went to the property. It has an easement to get to it. As soon as we drove down onto the easement we discovered something. A wet weather creek. This normally wouldn't be much of an issue, except it was easy to tell that the water gets high enough to have easily covered our car. Considering we plan to eventually build on the property we buy, we had to take a pass. It's too bad too, because just walking down the road we jumped a few does. It was a nice piece of land with nice timber to log out, but the inaccessibility at times was a deal breaker. I now understand why it was just over 2k an acre. O'well.. there's always more land.. That sucks Jcraig. There's always next time! Like you said, at least you didn't wound him. On the bright side!!!!! 28 more hours til I'm sitting in the stand boys.... I'm getting anxious!
Hey fellas, I wanted to check in and let you all know I'll be heading down to MD tomorrow and will be hunting tomorrow and Friday. We've got some good bucks on camera and there are always good bucks in the area. The whole area is planted in soybeans so hopefully the deer are starting to transition off of them and onto the acorns. I'm looking forward to being in a treestand again that is for sure.
Good luck! Have a great time. I'm heading down to where I hunt tonight, and will be in the stand tomorrow morning. Hoping to at least put 50 points on the board!
Welcome to the team Eric. it’s good to know that one person on our team is from my area. I might get the chance to hunt on a 1800 acre hunting paradise in Urich, MO. I normally duck hunt on this guys place, but no one bow hunts it and there are a lot of 180,190's on his ground. he shot a close to if not 200 class about 5 years ago and no one has deer hunted it since then. I'll have to get my brother to go bowhunting inorder to hunt it, but he has so much going on during waterfowl season that he can't make time for deer.