Hey all I am Seth and I live a few miles outside of Cumberland,Md. I will do the majority of my hunting in the western maryland region where the big bucks are far and few between. I have however seen a few decent ones in the area this year compared to other years. I do have a trip planned to Ohio and a few trips to Southern Md planned this year. I seen some dandys in southern md last year so we will see if I can get one down this year? I will share more stories later I got to run but so far Team HHH sounds decent?
I thought I'd give ya'll a little preview of a louisiana buck I got these guys last fall on trail cam. Im pretty sure they will still be there that area has very little to no pressure, I'm going to makc a mock scrape there and put down a little vanilla extract in the surrounding area to try to get them to come out and play, i do have pictures of the smaller buck in different daylight photos, the smaller one is the one in front if you can't tell...anyway this is what to expect for my buck if I do score down there, If I do good in Wisconsin though there is really no telling. If you guys have pictures of any that your after I'd like to see as well. Oh and quicksilver left that comment cause i was talking smack on team 20's thread. I got bored.lol.
Sean- that guy looks like he has some potential, really hard to see his rack with the pic though. Bry- not bad, or change it to We Got Booners, or WGB for short
In my opinion no deer in louisiana have potential..lol. I guess I'm a spoiled Wisconsin brat. Here are a few more you can see the one in the back is wider he is affraid of the trail cam it actually sppoks them all into running, I went ahead and got an IR one for this year. I like WGB
hahaha, never hunted there but by potential i meant save for future hunts unless late in season and not used tag yet
I need to make a correction here the reason quicksilver left the rabbit is NOT because I was talking smack on team 20 because he is not on team 20 he's on 22 and there team name is the FWB's (fuzzy wuzzy bunnies) lol. I guess he's plastering everyones threads.
Any name works for me, not a big issue, I might not be around for a few days due to bear hunting. Welcome to the winning team Seth and Mechdoc!
Here is one buck on my property named "King", but I'm not sure I'll shoot him until he's under my stand. He needs a couple of more years. this is "King" last year when his name was "Buckweat" This is "Ghost" he was my target buck last year. You can tell the body size when compared to this doe in same location. all of my pics of him are blurry, hence the name "Ghost". here is proof that he survived after shedding his antlers. I like "Got Booner"