Well with only 1 day left to my bow season (after tomorrow I will have no more chances to bow hunt and gun season starts next weekend) I elected to take a management buck this morning. I have seen 6 shooter bucks in the last 5 days hunting. However, I haven't been able to get them close enough to shoot. It was really hard to shoot this buck this morning knowing some of the absolute studs I have seen running around and on trail camera. Just last night I had a 140 class 8 point come in to 35 yards and hold up. When he turned I drew on him, but no shot opportunity. I also had an encounter with a book caliber buck just last weekend. I say that I have had a lot of great encounters; however, the rut has been non-existent thus far in our area/on our properties. I'm spoiled as I typically see 5 bucks on a slow day during the rut and 10 to 15 on good days. I haven’t seen 15 bucks from stand all season I don’t believe. Anyway, I shot a buck at 9:00 this morning. He is only a 2 1/2 year old 8 point which I never like to do. He had a bad hitch when he was walking my way. His back left leg was really swollen and I am not sure he would make it through the winter (it turns out it was broken like I had assumed). So, not lowering my standards (I don't believe in doing this as the season wears on), but I shot him as I think I was doing him a favor as well as because I haven't put any meat in the freezer yet. I think he will score around 125 when I get him all measured up. Not the caliber deer I intended to shoot this year, but I'm very happy with him. I will be gun hunting the WI gun season. Maybe I will get on a few of the mature bucks that are lurking around somewhere and hopefully a plethora of them make it through the season for me next year. I'll get pictures up soon. Good luck continuing to hunt team!
What's the other side of his rack look like... I can't tell from your contest pics... Looks like it might be a Rob Buck... :D
well done Dunn, and for my small slice of the pie.... He scores an amazing 50 pnts on the Fergie scoring scale.
Other side is almost identical to the right side (Very symmetrical). My bad on the pics. I hope that doesn't hurt us on the scoring board. I didn't even realize that all the pics show only show 1 side. O well. Congrats on the kill Sean!
Thanks man I checked out those pics very tough to see the one side if at all but a nice animal for sure well done.
If there's a problem I'm sure Cody will let us know by the next score update, I think it'll be fine though!
went out this morning with a feeling I was going to be seeing some, well i was set in well before the sun came up, just about sun rise three does walk in all of them offering perfect broadside shots at 20 yards, well it was light enough to see them just fine but not light enough to see through my peep sight. So as exciting as it was wasnt able to put any down, I may go again this afternoon if it doesnt rain but it is supposed to and the temp is supposed to reach 80 today.
Hey Team.... Its been awhile since I checked in and I apoligize but I have been busy hunting. I have been on vacation since October 20th. I have went just about everyday, but with nothing to show for it. I could have shot numerous small bucks but I have nothing come by my stand(s) that have made me want to shoot. I have been trying for a doe the past two weeks if given the shot but wouldnt you know it all I have coming through are small bucks! Thats just my luck! I've seeen does just all out of range! I still got another solid week of vacation/bowhunting but then the rifle season comes in and all the small bucks I have been passing all year will hit the ground! It sucks, but it seems to always happen! Anyway I will update again in a few weeks! CONGRATS to all the team members that have put one or two on the ground! Take care and Good Luck!!
Well it didnt look like rain so I went out yesterday in a t-shirt it was so hot. I was sweating my as off and tried a new location along some power lines. there is so much sign there I and I believe the area to be un hunted by others, well i didnt see anything and as the sun was setting the lighting kicked in and soon after I arrived home the rain started comming down, I was going to hit it again this morning but when I woke the rain was still comming down a bit so I stayed in.
Went out all day yesterday, about an hour before sunset two does walk withing 30 yards both broadside, they were behind a little vegitation and I told myself to wait until they reached my opening well they were acting really nervous I'm guessing because they walked in on the downwind side of me. well right before the first one hit my shooting lane she was sniffing somthing in the ground that made her jump back and she switched directions about 2 yards from where I planed to let her have it. they both walked straight away from me at that point I watched them play about 60 yards out for awhile then they were gone. I'll keep at it but for now the wife is really getting anoyed with my "ignoring her" so time for a little break.
Went out last night, I couldnt resist, anyway there wasnt alot moving I did have a doe come stand 5 yards away from my tree and play around under me for about 20 minutes. video taped her for 10, it was a world record tiny deer. she was so cute i just couldnt kill her. besides I gave her muscle tissue a once over and there was barely enough meat for one dinner. I was surprised there was no adult with her, I figured a coyote could easily kill that deer. Well I hope she makes it.
[video=youtube_share;_Kz988FFSYA]http://youtu.be/_Kz988FFSYA[/video] the little guy, sorry its boring. wish there was another deer so you could really tell how tiny it is.
Sorry, guys. This was taken with my shotgun, but he was the smallest buck on my hit list. He's the one from the velvet this summer.