Well all the scouting from early April to 3 weeks ago certainly paid off for me. I can't imagine a better hunt then yesterday. I saw a total of 13 deer, 2 raccoons, 347 squirrels, 1 yote, and 6 Toms (2 of which I missed). But this slick head was shot at less than 10 yards. The shot was right through the heart. The arrow went in through above the shoulder and out the rib cage. The cavity was filled with blood as I opened her up and the heart had a perfect entry and exit hole. The Rage 2 blade made short mess of this one year old.
That looks like a really good SHOT you made on her Shane, freggin sweet, well now that you have some meat in the freezer I guess it's time to get back after that BOONER
Congrats on the kill! Way to get us on the board. I managed to get out on 2 hunts this weekend. I was shooting for 5 sits, however, I came down with something and am pretty misearble right now. It was a pretty eventful weekend for me in those 2 sits. I had encounters with 3 bucks all of which I could have shot. I didn't see a lot of deer (4 total), however, I placed myself off of the fields on an acorn ridge to get deer cruising for acorns and to increase my chances of seeing a mature buck on his feet during daylight. My plan worked as I had a 14 inch 8 (2 1/2 year old) walk under me at 1 yard Friday night. Saturday night I climbed into a set I had never hunted before on a new lease. I just got a camera arm and was experimenting with it. Needles to say I got good footage of 1 doe and a buck on camera. The buck I had on film was a really nice buck. I elected to pass on him simply because of the quality of deer I have on trail camera and others that I have seen scouting. I hope I don't end up eating tag soup at the end of the season, but I just wasn't able to let an arrow fly on this buck so early in the year knowing what else is out there. Needless to say this would of been really cool as I easily could have filmed the harvest of this buck. He got the pass today, however, come the end of October this 135 class 8 will not be so lucky. It would of been nice to be taged out, however, I truly enjoy hunting too much to be done so early. It would of drove me nuts to wonder what if in regards to some of these bigger bucks around. I had plans to hunt this upcoming weekend, however, I am not sure anymore. Looks like temps will be on the rise and possibly into the 80's and if thats the case I'll wait 2 more weeks. If that is the case some more corn may be coming off by then and the beans should be becoming more desireable again.
don't forget to post these up in the official scorecard thread so they counts for our team points. again a nice kill.
yup they updated the team points yesterday and dont have your kill in there Shane, with your kill we are pushing close to 200. Team 27 is killing everyone though There over 400 right now, ihunt put down a great 150+ its a beautiful deer if you havnt checked out his pickes yet you should give them a look. A little update to my situation, I'll be in transite in less that 3 days, so when I return i am really hoping to put some points on the board for us, I know my season is starting late but I wouldnt count me out for some points yet. I have a honey hole waiting for me back on some public land. It took me about 6 months of decent scouting to find this place but no body hunts here and there is always a ton of deer movement.
Good luck putting something down when you get back Sean! Dunn I have a good feeling that you're gonna put down a monster before too long, hang in there! Hopefully I'll be making a trip down to one of the expanded archery zones this weekend and I'll have a chance to put down a doe for the team and maybe a nice buck for myself! If not I'm planning on heading to Illinois late December and I'm sure I can get something done then to help the team out.
I think I'm going to look for some other romping grounds this season, maybe I can find a place that'll offer me a higher score opportunity. As it stands, I might not even have a chance to add more points to the team (hopefully that's not the case, but I have yet to see antlers this season). I'm considering posting on here if anyone wants to share a lease, or if they have some property here in Missouri. It's a long season though, so maybe when the rut gets a bit closer I'll start seeing some bone.
i would love to hunt in missouri again but since i live in TN now getting a non-resident permit is a bit expensive. i heard you can be a non resident but get resident permit just for having a honorable discharge and a 60% or above VA disability (which i have)
Any honorably discharged resident or nonresident veteran having a service-related disability of 60 percent or greater or who was a prisoner of war during military service, may hunt (but not trap) wildlife (except deer or turkey) without a permit but must carry a certified statement of eligibility from the Veterans Administration when hunting, except: •a Missouri Migratory Bird Hunting Permit is required for waterfowl, snipe, doves, woodcock and rails •a federal duck stamp is required for hunting waterfowl •a Conservation Order Permit is required for light geese during the Conservation Order. Note: Nonresidents who meet the above requirements also can purchase resident permits Taken from: http://mdc.mo.gov/permits/hunting-permit-information/hunting-permit-exemptions
if you know where the does are then you'll have it made come November. I'd concentrate on your does patterns and learn (live and breathe) their most frequent bedding area. Then leave it along until the 1st week of November or Halloween. Get in there early ( so that you beat the Doe’s) and stay until around 2 PM. Those bucks will show up around noon and check those beds for doe's in heat. This is my strategy this year. I'll hunt so hard in November that my wife will forget my face, or kill me! Last year I had a few more visiting bucks on camera in November, then I had all of October, so keep you head up and mind you doe's. Good luck, as I am taking a 2 week break from deer hunting since I'm on call for 2 weeks. Then I’ll be back at it on the 22nd. I'm sorry; I didn't get the doe on the score board earlier. I attempted to with my phone and I guess it didn't happen. It’s on there now. HEHEHEHEHEEHE!
I'm still waiting for October 22nd to get here so that I can revisit my honey hole from opening day. 2 weeks is to long, but at least I'll have my meat back befor then. hehehehe
I'll check back in a weeks time when my season should be beggining. Good luck to you all, remember when in doubt KILL!!
Wish I could be out hitting the woods this weekend, but happy that I was lucky enough to shoot a beautiful deer at the same time! Oh well I guess I'll have to do some grouse/duck hunting to make up for stand time. Anyone gonna be hitting the stands this weekend? Not sure about everyone else but we're supposed to get temps in the 80's saturday and sunday. Completely unheard of for October around here. The funny thing is, we have a low in the 30's for tonight! Crazy weather... Good luck guys!