My old man told me where he hunts he had a nice 8 sneak in 15 yards from him but didn't allow him to move, he also sent me a pic of a monster 8 he's after. I told him thats what he gets for snoozin on stand.
dunn let that young man know you'll smack him in the head, or not, but you could call the cops or ya could try to set up a cam on what you think may be his entry and exit to your land...idk tough situation and no one should have to deal with it.
might be a good weekend. got a cold front moving in low temps tomorrow in the low 40's and sunday morning in the mid 30's, minimal winds. keeping my fingers crossed and hopefully i get on the board as well.
Good luck everyone this weekend everyone! I'm hoping for some footage, but I'll be self filming most of the weekend and if its a solid kill or footage I'll be choosing the kill.
My buddy got a nice 110" 8 point this morning with his new invasion. That takes one of the nice bucks out of the area, there's one more I believe. I'll try to get on him in the morning if I don't see any bucks tonight. Good luck to everyone tonight!
I'm at work and need something to make the night more enjoyable. Where are the pictures/story? Hop to it!
Man I'm excited to see these pics V you must be working the night shift, you know Craig I think you are the leading killer of team kill this year a nice Bear and a mature Buck man your getting it done as for you V I'm always jealous when i see a baby in the back of a pick up, I can't help but dream of those soft steaks.
They should be delicious. I can't wait for my processed meat too! I probably wouldn't have shot it had I realized it was so small, but what's done is done, and it's going to taste great! I do work the night shift. I'm what they call a "night weekend option nurse" in other words, I'm overpaid to work weekend nights. I dig it.
good job. wish i was so lucky. weatherman lied about the wind and almost got blown out of my stand by the wind that decided to start blowing after starting out calm. blew my whole hunt, literally.
I was hunting on my property until about 45 minutes before dark then my neighbor decided to be a jerk and ring a cow bell and yell to scare the deer I assume. So I decided to take a ride and see if anything was coming out into my aunt's field. When I got to my aunt's I spotted this buck and got within 40 yards and got a nice double lung shot on him. Once again the Bloodrunner 2 blade has done it's job. He scored 84.5" as a 3 year old I believe.