Didn't go out this morning. I will be out this afternoon though. Good luck to everyone out there now.
It had been real slow here...however, I just can called in a Pope and young fox squirrel. So things are looking up. Nice work this morning Jason. Sent from my XT1254 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
I do too! It was wild this morning. I'm not sure why I'm out rattling with no buck tag but sure is a blast. I got down before I screwed anything up for my hunting partner.
Saw some small bucks chasing this morning. Nothing special. Had a small 9pt walk by at 10 yds. I drew back to late. He was on me quick so didn't wanna get busted. After watching the tactacam video, i prolly should have drew sooner and could have drilled him. Oh well. LOL. I'll be back out tonight in same stand
I have never taken one apart to see what would make something like that happen. But I'll be exploring it soon. Sent from my XT1254 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app Lubricated the bearing and it made a ton of difference. Shot a dozen arrows and think I will head back out.
All I can say is yesterday morning this corn pile was pretty full still. So, a little over 24 hours and it's been nearly destroyed. Hoping for a good evening sit.
I saw some while driving to pick up my kids. I'll be out in the morning. I compared pics of the eight and the big guy that I almost got a shot on and I don't think they are the same deer. Hopefully I'll wrap my hands around him tomorrow. Good luck y'all. Sent from my SM-G935V using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Changing some things up in the morning. We'll see what happens. I have 2 stands I'm saving for next week where there is always a lot of chasing in that area.
I climbed out of my stand at 6:30 to stalk a big doe. I closed the gap from 100 to 30 yards, but it was just too dark to shoot. It was fun to finally see a deer though! I pulled the cam card on my way out and had a 110" 8 point walk by 6 mins after I did. He went the opposite direction, so I never knew he was there.
Managed to see 3 deer in the evening. But 4 deer in 10 hrs is hardly what I had hoped for. The oiled bearing on the drop away seems to have temporarily fixed the issue. Pretty sure it has been doing it for over a week, but I didn't notice much difference on the practice shots (20yrds). Probably not going to make it back out til Sunday night. Good luck this weekend guys. Sent from my XT1254 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Congrats Nick! Hope it was over one of the food plot in the videos. Sent from my XT1254 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
I couldn't get out of bed this morning. 30 hours in the stand, over the last 3 days, and only 1 doe sighting to show for it. I recharged the batteries and will be back at it this afternoon. I probably saw more action in town anyway...1 doe in my yard and 2 in the McDonald's drive thru!