Yesterday am I get into my stand and as day breaks, I notice a rub right in front of a trail cam. When I later got down, I realized it was the only rub within 80 yrds. Now if that ain't a deer giving me the middle finger. Saw two small buck skirting the bowl I was sitting in, but pretty slow.
I just had 2 does and a button buck at 5 yards for 10 mins. They knew something was fishy and busted me turning for a shot.
So after checking the cameras, there had been a bunch of activity right at close of shooting hours. I got a little bit of a late start but was in the stand by 4pm. At about 545, I see a buck skirting the bowl, just as the other two had (have some scouting to do). I grunted at him, and he turns and starts working my way. At about 40 yrds, he stops and spends 5 min rubbing a cedar, then continues slowly approaching, rubbing on over hanging branches as he does. However, rather than taking the side hill trail, he make a bee line for the sound of the grunt. It is working perfectly as the is a 20-25' oak tree between us that had lost very few leaves. He gets to 10 yrds and begins looking down hill. I draw and need him to take about 5 more steps to get in the lane for a shot. No dice. After a minute or so, he decides that something ain't right and bounces back to the cedar. He hung out there for another 10 minutes before working his way back down hill. Pretty sure it was the second buck posted above. For the purpose of full disclosure...he had me a little shook up. I'll probably head back in there again tonight if the forecast holds. And probably bring the buck decoy this time.
I missed a doe at 22 yards. My top cam got tangled in a little twig on the draw and she had me pegged by the time I got everything straightened out. I rushed the shot and sent it inches over her back. Only my second miss ever...
I have killed a lot of deer since I started bow hunting. But, only 2 misses ever? Wish I could say that. I probably miss at least 2 every year, lol.
No score yet. Things have been pretty hectic. I decided to hunt the farm I haven't hunted all year. I checked on it two days prior and the beans were still standing. I would be hunting a tree line that separates two bean fields that's within 100 yards of a creek and some thick bedding. Well I got the climber and headed out. When I got to the property, the beans were all cut and the farmer had already disc and replanted winter wheat. All this in two days. I was already getting a late start and would have to drive 30 min to another farm so I decided to give it a shot. After sweating to death climbing the tree, I finally got settled in about 4:30. I had a nice south wind blowing from my right to left. At about 5:30 I decided to hit the grunt call a few times and then hit the horns together a little. Saw nothing. I did it all again at about 6. About 6:15 I turned and looked behind me and I could see a buck standing still looking my direction. I couldn't tell if it was a shooter but I could tell he definitely had a rack. After about 5 min he turned and walked into some thick cover that would put him headed to the edge of the field. About 10 min went by and he never showed. Then all of a sudden there he was walking my direction and he was already at 30yds. I was about 25ft up and looking through some limbs. He kept coming and stopped directly under me. I was trying to decide wether or not this was a buck I wanted to take. It's not that easy looking directly down on the rack. I made the decision I would take a shot if he gave me one. He turned his head and I drew. After what felt like forever I decided I couldn't hold it anymore and had to let it down. He busted me letting down and started at me for about a min. He all the sudden spooked, turned and bounded a few times. He stopped quartering away at 20yds and I shot. I got a complete pass through and I heard him crash within 40yds.
I have zero experience with winter wheat. If just planted now, will it be any benefit to me hunting over it this winter?
Saw a small six and a doe this morning. Jason has inspired me to try a new farm tonight. We only hunt it a couple times a year, while the corn is up. Lots of buck sign each year, but once the corn is gone, so too are the deer. Been settled in since about 230... Should be picking up shortly.
Going to be a busy week. Work Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights. Hunt Monday morning. Sign papers on new house and get keys on Tuesday. Big blast of cold air hitting Wednesday and going to try and get a hunt in Wednesday evening. Big move is on Friday and Saturday but I'm going to try and hunt both mornings. May squeeze a hunt in Thursday evening. Rival football game Friday evening. I also start my 3 week vacation after I work Wednesday night.