I wouldn't worry about that combine. I've had deer come out and wait until the combine was 40yds away before running. It's like their dinner bell
The pics aren't great, but this tank showed up on my new property. I'll be in a stand both mornings this weekend.
She's already in the truck. Had two come in directly down wind. Guess the scent crusher bag works lol.
Agreed. If everyone on the team scores 1 doe, that's like shooting 3 200" inch bucks. Then you add in the buck totals, your talking a pretty decent score there.
Everybody wants to take a mature buck, but how many of you would shoot a 65" 10 year old? I have been chasing this old-timer for 4 years and was absolutely heartbroken when I finally got him on camera this year.
Wow. He has declined a lot. Imagine the does he bread in 10 years tho. Lol. I'd prob let him walk but that's just me. Sent from my SM-G935V using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app