Sorry about not updating this thread. It was just too hard to figure out where was standing in that bean field with nothing to use as a marker.
All I know is that it hit him really close to his front leg. I may have even hit part of his leg. That arrow definitely went through something to have blood on all the fletchings, so maybe brisket?
Back in 2011, I had a huge buck that I shot and never recovered even after putting a tracking dog on him. I was positive that it was a good hit. 6 weeks later I saw him walking across a clear cut...limping. I also saw him the last day of season in that same clear cut with no limp. They are tough, and I bet you'll lay eyes on him again.
I discovered a new rub on a far end of the lease where there usually is little sign. As I was leaving last night, I saw a set of eyes right where that rub is. It's been killing me all day, because I think I have a new buck on a spot I've never even considered hunting. It's fairly open and no real good options for trees. I need to recon it a little better and get a camera on it. The good thing is that there is only one approach with cover for him to use getting to that spot. I need a plan! Also, work is really overrated right now.
Had a small buck in front of me and a couple deer behind me I couldn't turn and look at. They were close but I never saw them.
Had a buddy who is always messing around with different gadgets. He tried one of these for a while, but dont think he does anymore.
Saw one of those a few years back at the deer expo. Always thought about getting one. This stand I was in tonight always has a lot of traffic, especially in the evening. I thougt if I could put a mirror up it would minimize my movement and help me to see the deer as they approach and I would know what's coming.
Sounds like a good ide. I think I would always be worried the sun would reflect off that thing and get me busted.
Good evening. Two weeks + into season and so far only two evening hunts. Hope to hunt quite a bit the next week starting on Thursday.
The chase is on in SW Ohio! I almost hit 2 small bucks, on my drive to work, who were nose down in the middle of the road. And I've counted 12 scrapes on this property we're surveying today.
g She had a pretty good sized hole in her chest. She was quartering away pretty steep. Took out her left lung and arrow exited through her neck. Somehow she managed to go about 150 yards.