Pretty good start to season here. Saw a few small bucks and loads of does. Was sitting over bean field most sits and didnt have many in bow range. Did have a big doe and what I'm sure was her 3 fawns the way they tagged along her side. I know they have to grow up soon but i couldnt shoot her. I know I'm a softy! My son did miss a doe Sat a.m. He was pretty bummed but he is bowhunting this year and still can use youth tags in all other firearm seasons as long as I'm with him. With the cool weather ( It was 35 here Sunday morning) it was just nice to get out without bugs and heat. Hope everyone had a good start to season.
We have had a hard rain going on for the last 24 hours or so. It looks to be tapering off this early afternoon into a drizzle or stopping altogether. I will be out there when it slows down. It should be in the upper 50's, overcast, and sloppy. BIG buck weather.
yeah, slept in... Woke up at 0500, checked the radar and headed back to the rack. honey do list and then praying to the rain gods to go away
Sean, this weather front is going to have the deer on their feet this afternoon. You can count on it. Get in a good spot and sit tight. I am heading in to a spot I have wanted to hunt all year today. I have the wind I want and my entrance will be muffled by the rain and wet leaves. I am looking to spill blood. I should be at the gc check around 1pm or so.
Well I blew an "easy" shot on a doe tonight. I shot high and I also ruined Florida Marine's hunt. So as you can tell I am a very happy guy right now.
vashadow... Sorry to hear that. Keep your head up. Both of you I'm sure will have more chances. But I know how you feel. We've all gone through it. Busy week at work for me but hope to sneak out one day. Will be at it this weeknd for sure.
Didn't ruin my hunt! I was bummed you lost the arrow. Should have seen the buck I saw 1/4 mile past the GC...easy 8 maybe a 10 point. Huge rack. Swear he was laughing at me.
Was he up by Fuel Plant or the archery range? If so, I have a buck scouted that was a 2.5 year old last year that beds not 400-600 yards from that spot. Oh yeah, the hits keep on coming for me today. My wife's knee surgery was re-scheduled for November 1st. That means my hunting vacation will be chopped up (no pun intended). Looks like I will have to get it done when I have time to get in the woods.
Just sent you a PM Your healthy, your kids are healthy and your wife will get better...things could be worse brother.
I agree. I just need to focus and get the job done when I have time to hunt. I worked hard this past off-season scouting and want it to pay off. Family first however. Brett
Thought I had us 50 pts... And then my stomach growled from the chili I ate before I went out. Yeah, I know - don't eat chili before a sit. I was thinking that very thing. But it was all there was in the refer and I wasn't going to go out hungry for 6 hours. So she comes in, easy 30 yd and my stomach growls, she busts me and trots off. Then on the way out to turn in my hunting pass at the game check, I got pulled over by the GW for goofing off and revving up at a pair of does. Lucky I knew him, he let me go, he thought I was speeding away from him. Told him I was just venting frustration on two huge does who came out of the no hunting section. Getting tired of getting skunked.
OH, and this was great. As I was lowering down my stand and getting ready to come down my sticks, the pull rope for my tree stand got caught on my 2nd stick. When I pulled it out of the way, it dislodged my 2nd stick. So hanging on my 3rd stick, I stretched down to my first stick, grabbed my 2nd stick and reset it. Then climbed up and took down the 4th and 3rd. Today was a long day hunting. Lost my head lamp also. Did I mention I got pulled over by the GW?
Sounds like a rough day but at least you saw some deer. I just put a Norway industries string tamer g2 on my bow and tracer nocks on the arrows. I'm drivin tacks at 60. I can't wait to have one step out at 30.
Come on guys, the next two days someone needs to put a deer down. I am hunting a good spot with a perfect wind tomorrow. The only problem is it will be sunny. I am expecting something to be moving shortly before dark.
Good luck Sean! Have a lot of fun with William. I hunted TA-3 one day a few years back and saw a LOT of deer.
Yeah, there are usually a ton of deer in there. One of the Gunny's in my command got a 10pt out of there last Dec. Last time William and I hunted there, he took a partial dip in the stream with 2' of snow on the deck. He toughed it out for 3 hours with my fleece around his feet and his socks in my shirt to warm and dry off. He's hard for a 8 year old. I'm hoping I can pick off one and make him excited enough to want to use the crossbow to drop one also, he's going in on a hunter he can hunt.