NOONE was hunting there and it was quiet, just how I like it. I knew the deer would not be bedded on 17B across the creek because of the wind. I thought they would be bedded in the thickets/blowdowns on 17Up. 20 Min before sundown a whole group of 5-6 deer including one small buck came right to me. I just blew the shot on a doe. This recurve thing is tough. The deer seemed relaxed and came right to the food source. I found bigtime acorns and 10-12 massive oak trees that are for sure going to be a hot food source til the deer eat up the acorns. I give em aother 5 days so I I think that Saturday, if we have a North wind of some sort that those trees will bring in the deer before they bed.
Gents - I suck. Thought I would at least get us 50... As of today my season is pretty much over. I am on a selection board for the month of Dec...5 days 0700-1730 and half day Sat. So, short of the Christmas weekend (its on a Sat - so no hunting, same with New Years) I'm done. I am pretty frustrated at this point. A lot of time and effort, and help from Brett - and nothing to show for it. Thanks for all help Brett, means a lot all the help you gave me. Will get some scouting in with you off season, and maybe I can drag you on a crack addiction hunt, er I mean a Turkey hunt. At least I am good at calling those bastards.
No problem Sean. You gave a great effort. If you would have seen my first 3 years or so in the deer woods, you would have thought I would never hunt again. I went months without seeing a single deer, hunting on some terrible public land. I became hardened and a better hunter because of my failures. All you can do is keep at it and scout in the off-season. We will take some Sunday afternoons for 3-4 hours here and there and we will just walk and talk about certain things we discover. It will help you a lot.
Florida Marine.... Sorry to hear you didnt get one. Keep your head up and things will come together. Off season scouting, glassing deer, shooting, articles in mags or on this website will greatly improve things. I went 4-5 years without getting a deer with my bow. But i was determined to keep at it. My love for the outdoors made me get out to stand and once I finally got one it was well worth it. I can tell you have the biggest thing to make you sucessful...a great work ethic. Some folks give up too easy or make things too difficult. Time spent in the deer woods will pay off big time. Hope everyones Thanksgiving was good and i hope you all finish season with a bang!!
Well I finally got some days off work and monday it looks like I will be heading to the woods. Unbfortunatlly for the competition we are going turkey hunting but if we come across some deer then game on.
Good luck. I can hunt a few more days in December to try and get a buck. I will keep trying until the fat lady sings.
First day of the board today... Sat is only a "half day" and we are getting done the 14th, not the 22nd... So I can slide a few more days in. Taking leave the last week of Dec, but going to gun hunt so nothing I potentially kill will count for us. Will try and at least get a freaking doe this year with my bow. Been on deer my last two hunts, just after I was either taking my stand down or was wrapping it up to hump out.
No luck here yet, the big 12 point I was hunting hard come by me and he has shed one side already.. Still have a month....
might try to get out a couple days this week. temps are way down, snow is on the ground and we have lots of food for them. hope they didnt drop any antlers yet.
Good luck guys. I am only going to be able to hunt a few more days this year. Between my wife's schedule and my kids I can barely get out to hunt in December. It stinks b/c I really love the late season...but that is life!
Hope everyone had a Great Christmas.. I finally have sometime off work so I will be hunting hard. Good Luck to everyone who is still hunting and Hope everyone has a Happy New year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Holidays guys. I should be able to get in a couple of more mornings or evenings to hunt this week. It is the last week of the season.
Guys, way to put in the hard work this year. Win or lose, you guys gave it your all. Have a great 2011, my 2010 deer hunting season is over. Time to just walk the woods and squirrel hunt with my recurve. Add a cup of coffee and some warm gloves, and January is going to be a lot of fun in the cold woods.
Well fellas, I apologize for not being able to add some points for us. I didn't get to hunt very much for myself, I spent most of my hunting time in the woods with my son. I loved every second of it. I hope all of you have a great year. Waid
One more week of hunting and then it is all over for me...Good Luck to anyone who is hunting still!!!!