Things are starting to heat up, got 3 days off work and will hit it hard and hope I can get some points for our team, we are seeing some good bucks, nothing huge but nice, well I am off to hunting camp and in the stand for 3 days straight..Good Luck Everyone and Congrats to everyone who has harvested a deer so far!!!!!
Man...that deer at the game check...holy crap. Just got home from a totally wasted day as the "Lead Escort" for my commands USMC Birthday ball. Woopee de do. Our CG can TALK, funniest thing I have ever seen, LtGen Hough (Ret) the guest of honor actually sat down during our CG's speech, gave a look of exasperation and just sat on the stage. Then the first words out of his mouth when he was finally invited to speak were "Jesus" and he just shook his head...he was funnier then any guest of honor I have ever seen. It was hard to not bust out laughing, standing at Parade Rest with my feet, legs and shoulders screaming in agony from standing there for like 45 mins. He was mercifully short...and very motivating. Made the pain go away somewhat. Long day, then the bastards at the hotel in DC charged me $21.00 for parking...was supposed to be free. (YOU SUCK MARRIOTT!) hunting Wed, Thur, Fri and Sat this week.
Sean, those days you are hunting are PRIME days. I expect you to get deer within range. When in doubt with your set-up, hunt downwind of any thicket. Good luck buddy. I am going for it this week.
man i just cant seal the deal. had a 120" 8 point 30 yards from me but he decided to turn back and go on a path 70 yards away from me then walk 20 yards from another stand we have. this has happened to me twice this week. this deer defiantly isn't the biggest but on the property but it would still look good on my wall. so for a recap of the last week or two. two shooters, one 120", one 130" walk right by stands that i'm not sitting in and one 160"+ walks 100 yards from me and wouldn't come in to my calls. very frustrating!
yeah me too... just missed him with my bumper just getting home from work about 20 mins ago had a nice 8 point acting like "if I stand really, really still, he won't see me" just around the corner from my house..makes me want to be the neighbors for some time in their back yard.
Hate to do it but I cannot even hunt today. Ttried to get up at 4am but I could not move. I have been sick since last Friday and tried to push though it but it got worse. The winds are gusting up to 20mph so I am going to just stay home and rest so I can hunt Wed through Saturday. I hate it because November 9th has been good to me but I do not want to get really sick. GOOD luck guys.
Well, my week of vacation and plans of hunting each day didn't quite work out like I wanted. On Monday, my wife told me that she would have to have dental surgery on Friday, and that I would have to bring her and watch over her all weekend. Are you kidding me?!!? So I did the gentlemanly thing and stayed home with mama for the weekend. Wasn't happy about it, but I did it. However, I did get to hunt Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Tues, it rained and I didn't see a single deer until I was driving out of the woods at dark and 4 deer crossed the road. Wednesday, it rained and again, no deer. At noon I climbed down and packed my gear to another finger of trees that lead toward the road where I saw the deer cross the night before. I sat there the rest of the day in the rain and didn't seen any thing. On Thursday, I was back in that tree at daylight with clear skies all day. The wind is what puzzled me. It was blowing every direction possible, all day long. No deer... About 11:00am I climbed down and did some still hunting for a couple hours. Back in the stand later and at 3pm I had a decent sized spike come in running circles in the wind trying to find the doe pee I had put out. The sun was beaming right on me and he must've saw me move and bolted. That's all I saw in 3 days. Friday, I'll be back at it again. I think Sat and Sun, I'm bringing my son,...he's begging me to go deer huntin. VS, I hope you start feelin better soon. Great buck wiaxle!! Keep up the good work guys! Waid
Had a small 5 point in range at 11:15 am this morning then saw a lone doe at 4:40pm tonight. I cannot get a better buck in range! I am calling my kill date and time.... tomorrow morning at 8:56am. KILL
I am hunting the morning. I don't get in a lot of morning hunts but tomorrow my kids are off school so I am sliding in to kill something. It is going to be tough and I am still feeling a little sick but I have a good feeling about tomorrow morning. I am walking into the woods by 5am and being set up by 5:45am.
Sleep in, but if you have it in you be on stand by 9am or so. I am seeing a lot of movement between 9am-11am. Either way, HAVE FUN.
I'm trying was just another kick in the nuts. I was SO stoked, had a great setup along a fresh rub line and a good wind. I knew I was going to shoot something today. So I just go and drop my stand on my bow. Got the bow dialed in, but the crossbow comes out tomorrow - and the gun comes out Sat...tired of messing around. I need some return on my time investment.
I completely understand. I will keep in touch with you via text. If the action is hot I will let you know and try to meet up with you on 7B. I will let you know before you get on base. Take care and stick with it Sean. When you plug one tomorrow you will feel great.
Hey guys. Sorry I havent up-dated lately. Big time computer issues. Hopefully fixed now. I did kill a doe in Oct. and on Tuesday killed a buck. Thinking around 137-140". I have to measure up and try to download all pics. I had trouble downloading my doe. Hope I can get these. If I cant get them on is there anyone who I could e-mail them to and enter for me. Not sure why it didnt work first time. I'll try tonight.
iashedhunter90 if you cant get them downloaded just email then to me at [email protected] and I will do it for you. Congrats..