Sean, let me see how my wife is doing. She is having surgery on her knee on Monday. After she recovers after a couple of days I will be chomping at the bit to hunt. If you are hunting Friday I am hunting from sun-up until around 2pm. I have a good feeling about Friday morning being a time where I will encounter a nice long as the area I want is open I have an ideal stand position based on the wind.
yes, its the weenie part of the Marine Corps Marathon... Its either run the 10K or the Marathon or work it...which SUCKS. Colonel's and below (I;m a LtCol) have to show up at 0230 or so - bus up to DC and act as road guides or as water point staff. It SUCKS. I worked the 23rd mile one time, bloody nipples, crap and piss running down runners legs and a mash of 10000 cups at the end of the day to clean up. That and the fat ladies who walk and keep you there until 1800 just piss me off. So I pay $43.00, get a T-shirt and jog 5 miles and get done in an hour even with my weenie run times. Not a tough choice.
Had two doe come by at 20 yards about 45 minutes before sundown. I would have gladly shot but had no shot opportunity. Back at it tomorrow from sun-up to noon.
Someone had a HUGE deer at the game check when I went by to get my pass...didn't see a rack, but it was a big deer. Saw a really nice 8 or 10 point by the golf course this morning, nice buck.
A Marine put down a big old buck yesterday(5B) from the ground from 40 yards. The guy was ecstatic to say the least. He had an ear to ear grin, real nice guy.
1st day of vacation for me, (hopefully LOTS of time on stand) Had this guy come by at about 20 yards, don't know if I would have shot him, but when I went to pull back on him, the arrow popped off the rest, and the window was small enough that by the time I got the arrow reset there was no shot, he is 4 years old (got sheds/film) and his back left leg was broke in the past and never healed properly. Saw this guy at about 120-150 yards out, gave him some aggressive grunting, and he came in right on in, not what I am looking for, but a nice 2 (maybe a 3 year old), picture is at about 20 yards Last one is the evening hunt, got a decoy a couple years ago for xmas, 1st time I have had a chance to use it, did a dragline with some doe pee, then attached the rag to the decoy, all the deer that saw the decoy where pretty freaked out, about 2 hours of snorting, stomping, running away and coming back in, Had a nice 8(?) pointer coming in, but all the nervous activity made him head back the way he came from...... None of the deer ever did get down wind, so don't know if the urine scent had a full effect.....
Dang wiaxle, great bucks! Best of luck to you man. I put down a doe today--50 points for us. Time to kill a buck.
Great work fellas! I haven't posted much but I still check up on how everyone is doin when I can. I've been out a couple times in east TX with no luck at all. Last Monday I went to my lease in west TX for a few days. I saw a few deer but no good bucks. On Wednesday morning, I was hunting my ground blind and had lone very mature doe show up about 80 yards out. She was nervous the whole time. After watching her for about 10 minutes a young spike show up from my right. He milled around at about 5 yards in front of me for several minutes. Meanwhile, the doe is slowly working her way toward me. She finally made it to 25 yards and turned broadside. AHH!! Meat in the freezer...I thought. When I drew, my elbow popped and scared the snot out of that little spike. Well, the doe wasn't having any of that and she was gone. The spike hung around for a few more minutes at 25 to 30 yards then he left. I didn't see anything the rest of that day or Thursday morning. I had to come home after that. Anyway, as of 7am in the morning, I'll be on vacation for a week. I plan on hunting each day possible during this week in east TX. I might go to W TX for the weekend, not sure yet. I sure hope to get some pics for y'all this week.
TX--best of luck to you man. You picked a great week to take a hunting vacation...PUT em down fellas!
Had a shooter come in today, but wouldnt come in far enough. How big? I really don't know, all I do know is he made my knees shake, and my heart pound, what more can you ask for? Kinda cool thing, I have never heard a buck grunt like that before, long sustained grunts, mixed in with quick short grunts, he was working a doe pretty hard, herding her actually, at one point he got about 50 yards away up wind of me, and I could actually smell him. Sorry, no pictures this time, more interested in sticking an arrow into him than messing around with the camera this time....
Go after him Wiaxle! I cannot wait to hear of your success. Sounds like you are having a blast on your vacation. THAT is what it is all about.
Gut shot one today, 12:30, lost track/sight? of him about 1:00pm Went back out at 4:30, (from opposite direction) jumped him right where I saw him last, he ran about 70-80 yards and bedded back up, backed out and headed home, will look again in the morning This sucks.........especially since it was a super hard shot of about 15 yards, driving tacks yesterday 10-37 yards out, gotta be operator error....... keep ya'll informed.......
Mark, we are starting roll as a team now...we need that stinking doe! Back in the saddle tomorrow. My wife is feeling a bit better. Dropping the kids off at school and will be in the woods and hunting by 11am. Time to kill.
seeing buck all over the place. my buddy shot a nice one off of the land i hunt. about 147". last night saw a 160+" but couldnt get him to come over by me. stayed about 100 yards out. will be at it all day tomorrow.
I'm going out tomorrow to hang stands for the Wounded Warrior hunt next some areas that are closed to all others. Gonna be an experience I imagine.
Taxidermist had a long day, so I didn't feel right on asking for the horns from my buck right away, will get them tomorrow (hopefully) and will put the tape to them and get us some more points......
Congrats on your buck !! Darn glad it worked out in the end. I was following your other post and I was really happy you found him. You know I just got to ask this next question. Do you have any sheds to him ?? Congrats again !! Tim
Sun-up to sundown for me tomorrow, then back at it again on Monday. I am hoping to get something within range tomorrow.
No sheds, trying to figure out if this guy is a 3 year old, possible he might be a 2 year old, but whichever he may be, don't think he is a 'local' buck, as in he winters in the area. Friend that hunts a ways to the north of me has pictures of him on trail cameras, and usually what he gets pictures of, he finds the horns....