Quick up-date guys... scored on a doe tonight. It was one of the first nights i really felt like I would have good deer movement. 4 does came in early and the mature one gave me a nice 25yd shot. 25 yds later she piled up. Easy track and am enjoying some inner loins at we speak. I know there are alot of good broadheads out there but i have to say since I have been shooting Muzzy 100 grain 4 blades i am 8 for 8. They flat out work for me. I'll post pics tomorrow. Meat in the freezer feels good. Now to start looking for a big boy. Mark
Congrats guys. I don't know how much more hunting I will be getting in, at least no time soon. We are going to have our first child today and its going to cut into hunting. Hopefully I can get out a little later in the season.
Good work Iowa! Comescrashing.....I wish for great health for you, your wife, and your baby! Don't worry, once mommy and baby get back to health here in the next couple of weeks you will be able to get out in the woods just as primetime gets started!
Saw my first buck of the year tonight. Had a 2.5 year old six point come by at 16-18 yards or so. He came by lightly thrashing some trees. Then about 20 minutes before sundown I had pack of coyotes howling like crazy right below the point I was hunting. They were going beserk.
going up north this weekend for a hunt/scout for gun season. need to find 4 spots for me and so me buddies. cool thing is, i've seen some 160+ inch deer up there when i filmed ryans bear hunt. bunch over 130 inches. so hopefully it will be a great weekend.
back home from the scout/hunt. 90% of the trip was scouting. put on more than a few miles. found some good sign off a logging trail. saturday morning and decided to hunt it that night. on the way over to the spot it started raining like mad. i stuck it out in the rain while my buddy got down from his spot and went to the bar. well it almost paid off. i seen a nice 8 point, grunted at him. he came over and sat behind some trees, about 40 yards out and couldn't get a shot. even though i couldn't seal the deal i think there is a bigger one over there but ill have to do it with the gun.
Good luck guys. I feel like today is the best hunting day we have had all year. I am heading in to hunt a spot with the weird south wind blowing. It is overcast and the ground is wet to conceal my entrance. Bring on the deer.
Sat for about 5 hours today. Had a small 4 point come by at 10 yards about 10 min before sundown. I let him walk. Also saw about 6-7 big gobblers at 40 yards. Weirdest thing about the hunt is that I thought I saw a big clump of deer crap. I looked down to inspect it and it hissed at me! It was a friggin bat. Dang that kind of made me jump. Back at it again tomorrow.
wow...a turd bat Going to try and get out Friday, but am subject to the whims of those above me needing my obviously invaluable information at a moments notice. Supposed to run the USMC Marathon 10K on Sunday...not feeling it right now. Think I got nailed by some crud from my kids. Good luck Brett.
Sean, let me know about Friday. I am hunting from sun-up to about 1-2pm. The temps are dropping overnight on Thursday so I am expecting about average deer movement on Friday. If you want to get some passes and head in together, let me know. If not, maybe we can hook up mid-week next week. If you need help moving let me know. I could come over and help out as much as I can. Brett
Will be a PM hunt...have a 0900-1200 meeting and hoping to clean up and head out about 1500. That is the plan, reality has a way of ruining my plans lately. Out Saturday for sure, morning at least, possibly the pm as well. Losing the 6th of Nov since I am a dummy and volunteered for the Marine Corps Ball to be in the honor guard thing. I am the senior officer and have to be there for all the practices...and then the ceremony. Kills all day Sat. We have to change to rules/law in VA for Sunday hunting.
to windy here for hunting these last 2 days wind gust up to 60 mph. trying to get out on friday. then its on, hard core till after gun season. going to try to get out every day except thursdays. florida is your run in D.C. my buddy just got back from his. good luck to ya.
Had two spikes within range tonight after they chased a doe past my stand. I had so many broadside shots I could die because I really want to get my first recurve deer but I do not want to kill a small buck.
Were going to do some land clearing for the WW hunts next week...wanna help? Will get you access to some TA's you will NEVER get access to normally. Going to pull a TA for Friday tomorrow, PM where you are hunting - will try to get the same TA if possible. I have to kill something.