Hey Team, what's going on? I was at my farm this weekend clearing a few more shooting lanes and checking out the food plots. The weather was great. Made me wish I was hunting!! The plots are seeing lots of use and my brassicas are growing like wildfire. I'll have plenty of food for them to eat.:D
Well we are planting a couple food plots tomorrow after work. I've never done it before (besides the "no till" plots, which didn't work) so wish me luck. I'm going to try and head up to Oklahoma either this weekend or the next to get some stands hung. Other than that I'm just keeping my eye on this guy and hoping he sticks around
Thanks guys, we are still debating whether or not to shoot him. He looks much bigger than he actually is. We have aged him around 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 and in the 105"-110" range. I hunt the property (80 acres) with one of my best friends so we are discussing whether to take him or not. He has some awesome characteristics but he isn't huge and I don't know if he will get much bigger. No one else hunts the surrounding area so we feel pretty confident if he let him walk he will make it. The buck I shot last year scored 117" and the biggest my friend has killed with his bow was in the 90"s so I might let him shoot him. But don't worry, I haven't even put my game camera out in Oklahoma yet!
Hey i flung a few arrows today with my broadheads killer / still hitting where i am aiming AT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its getting closer i can feel it in the air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mudshark, I hear ya! I just went out the other night and shot the BH's some more, and I'm still dead on. It's all I can do to make it through September. I'm still debating as to whether or not I'm going to add a lightweight climber before it starts.
BIG 3 D SHOOT coming up next month 9/12 & 9/13 AT RAINBOW ARCHERY CLUB OFF OF STATE ROUTE 417 42 TARGETS Oct 03rd can't get here fast enough.
I just got back from my property. Had to mow the clover 1 more time before the season gets here. Man am I ever ready for this season to be here. I've worked my butt of at my place this year trying to make it more deer friendly. And hopefully make it easier to hunt too. The deer are there, I just have to get them to show up in the right spots, or be in the right spot when he walks by. Come on Oct. 1!! Nice trail cams pics Jim. Anybody else got any good bucks on camera? I got these 2 running around my place this summer. Sure hope they stick around.
Love that big 9 John!!!! I've been busy as hell guiding bear hunters the last couple weeks......man I wish some people could shoot better!
I take it they are seeing plenty of bear but not shooting worth a crap? I did a years of guiding kids on exotic hunts. Want to take about stressful I bet it's pretty scary tracking a bear through the dense woods
All baits are being smashed, but more at night. There is a massive blueberry crop this year, so that has kept the bears from moving a whole lot. Not as many hitting the baits as there usually are. But now that the berries are about dried up, things are looking up and more are on the baits creating competition and bringing them out in the daylight. Plus, shooting like crap. But, that group is gone and I only have 2 hunters next week. Should be good to go now. Actually, nothing scary about tracking a bear. I never cary a weapon on the track. Just have to be a smart tracker and know when to back off and come back later.
OK team I'll be off to my property in the morning to finish trimming shooting lanes and put up 1 more stand over my middle of the woods food plot. That's where I plan on ambushing the big boy. I set the trail cam on it last week. So I'll see if they found it. It was just starting to green up last Saturday. Then next Saturday I'm off to WY for my Antelope hunt. I'll get home just in time to head to Springfield, MO to work the Bowtech Trailer at Bass Pro the next weekend. Then on the 15th bow season opens in MO. Time is gonna fly by between now and then.:D
You're a lucky man, John. I still have to wait until Oct.3rd. I will be checking on the clover plot tomorrow to see if it needs a final mowing (Although the rain is going to most likely prevent that). I need to get some more clothing bags, wash the clothes, and then all that's left is to continue shooting. Dan, I've only had to track one bear in the dark, and it was nerve racking It was a rush, though.
Checked on the clover plot today once the rain let up. It's doing very well. A few lone weeds here and there, but for the most part, it's looking good. Don't think I will get my oats in this year, so the clover/rye is it for me this year. Shot the bow some more today as well. Still doing very well. I like my new house as I can get a lot of incline/decline shots at my targets as well. I have the option to shoot elevated from my deck, or if I want a big incline, I can shoot out of the second story window in my barn.
I made it back from Oklahoma in one piece. I got two lock-ons hung up in some pretty good locations. I was up in the second stand I hung putting up a bow holder in the tree and some turkeys skirted me at about 50 yards. Great deer sign on both set ups. One is primarily for the rut and the other is for the any north wind. I put out my trail camera by my feeder so hopefully I'll get some good pics over the next couple weeks.
I put up 2 stands this weekend and the weather was sooooo cool it seemed like I should be sitting in them with my bow in hand. It was 48* outside my trailer on Sunday morning. That's hunting temps. Planted my wheat and oats on Saturday, food plots are done.
I hear ya, John. This weather is GREAT! I'm out grilling now and it smells just like fall. Loving it.