Just wanted to post some pics from one of my cams. I haven't been hunting too much but I have been keeping tabs getting all CSI on my local herd. I really need the weather to break because what I am noticing is the bucks are hitting this are about a half hour before light and just after shooting light. This little clearing is covered with acorns and scrapes(past couple of weeks). I moved the cam in a little deeper to a spot I'm hanging a stand for my dad, hoping if the weather breaks I'll find them moving a little earlier within the cover. The doe goup is pretty consistent with lots of daylight pics through last Friday, they seem to like the 10:00 to noon time frame then again from about 5:00 p.m. to 6:00p.m.. So I'll keep my eye on one of those 50 point targets for a littl later in the season. As far as bucks Ther are 2 big 6's(one really tall and one wide, both with heavy bodies). There is also a grab bag of smaller ones from a spike to a cowhorn to a couple basket 6's and a small 8.
DAN, is the TEXT christine got about you something was said about a flood i was thinking your property in IL???????????? i hope so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEW nice photos i like the funky looking buck on the 2nd post 2nd photoCool!!!!!!!! Good luck with them and your DAD also!!!!!!!!
The scrapes are getting hammered on my property. The problem is all at night time. I had a camera on one I doctored up last weekend and got a pleasant surprise. At least 3 good bucks are hitting it. #1 #2 #3 Maybe 4 or the same as an earlier one.
Holy hell John, that one is a real stud! I'd be thrilled with any of those bucks but that one right there is a true slammer. Best of luck getting on him this season!
I think that is the same buck I drew on 3 times last year and never let loose an arrow at him. I sure hope he slips up this season.
Also, #1 and #4 are the same buck I think........ Best of luck on that big boy, I'd love to see some up close pics of him with you behind him!
New, that 2nd pic in the second set is a freak!! I would love to see better pics of him. Looks like you have a great set of deer around. Anyone of those would be a great addition for Team 17! John, you're going to make the fourth time the charm, I can feel it! Good luck, bud.
Well guys, those trail cam pics have me fired up for sure. I've decided to take the whole week off next week. So starting on Halloween, I'll be in the woods 9 straight days. Hopefully one of those big bucks will show up in bow range during shooting light. The timing should be about right for bucks cruising and chasing.
Good luck getting one of those nice bucks John. Not having much luck this season. Good sign starting to show up though. Shot a yote this morning, seeing way to many of them this season.
I'm in the stand now. Going after a doe or just some shots with the cam. Same stand I shot the 9 from.
MORE MORE MORE points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats what we need!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'll be out in the AM, nothing but turkeys this mourning tho tomorrow am and Sat pm no hunting on Sun Off on Mon til Mon 16th I'll be in OHIO hunting 7th to 14th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can't wait
I talked to Dan today. He and Johnny have had it pretty tuff so far. It's rained almost every day so far and deer movement has been very slow. The rain is supposed to stop tomorrow and stay dry for the rest of the week. He also said there is standing corn everywhere that's not helping things much. He has high hopes for next week.
The standing corn is becoming an issue here I think as well. Saw a doe, two fawns, and a spike. More importantly, I have a flock of turkeys pretty well pegged for the opener Saturday. I think I may take the bow.
Best of luck John. Have fun on your days off and think of us poor guys stuck here at the office! Shoot a big one!3 Good luck to the rest of you guys this weekend
I know it doesn't help the team, but I got a turkey this morning. You can read about it here: http://forums.bowhunting.com/showthread.php?t=8444
My I O U paid, with interest! Yesterday was our last day to bowhunt(without other hunters in the woods anyway) before blackpowder opened so me and my oldest left to hunt Fri & Sat. I killed this guy at 0715 a m Oct 30. It was even greater having my oldest son in the stand beside me. It was an awesome day and I will post much more tomorrow. We came home early today to help momma take the other kids t or t ing and just got home from that and now we are off to the "grown ups" halloween party so I got to go for now. On a side note I missed the biggest buck I've ever seen from stand this morning with my blackpowder at abot 75 yards(more on that later as well).