I saw ton's of doe while hunting up in Oklahoma this weekend. Couldn't ever get any shot opportunities. The wife and I are headed back up there this weekend so hopefully I can put something together. Saw a bunch of young bucks under 100". Jumped a good buck out of his bed (in the middle of a hay field) on my way to the stand before daylight. Couldn't see how big hos antlers were, but he had a huge body
Mom came home on Sat. Didnt see anything on sat night hunt, Monday Morn was cold and frost, i saw two Does no shot 40-50 yards out. Tues morn i saw Horns for the first time this year while in a tree. within range but not big enough, One was a fork horn and the other was a little 8 point (legal) but not what i want. A good day thou I'll by trying a Brand New Spot tonight never been back into this spot before but a friend said there is always deer that comes out to this back corner of a field. You can't see the back edge of the field from the road, i dont know much about this area but im going to give it a try. i start midnighters on Wed so i'll be hunting evenings for about 7 days straight. then off for 4 days (Oct 22 - 25)
I'm not wanting to jinx myself but I've got a great shot at getting a doe this weekend. So hopefully we'll have a few points come Monday
Mud, hunting only evenings might not be a bad thing. Of 10 morning sits on my farm there has been 1 deer sighting, a spike. I'm thinking of sleeping in too. JK Patience Grasshopper........ the points will come!:D
Well I could have put 50 on the board for us last week when I missed that doe I had the regular crew in the plot again last night. The little 5 was at 15yds of quite a while, then he went to sparring with his buddy spike. Had does in range, but passed since I wasn't feeling too well, and didn't want to drag anything but a buck under those conditions. I didn't hunt this afternoon because I'm pretty dang sick. I'm going to try and get out to a stand tomorrow that produced three very nice mature doe Saturday evening (no shots on them although all were in range) if I feel better.
Headed to the stand this evening, hopefully the big boy will walk out. The wife and I are headed back up to Oklahoma on Friday! Pretty sure I can get a doe down!
Thank You Sinsay(spelling?) i've got to have more patience like i have room to type !!!!!!! i haven't put up any points either good luck All. Draw Blood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I heard from Dan today. He is in Knox County,IL hunting. It's been raining a lot out there and he hasn't been hunting as much as he would have liked. Big wuss, can't hunt in the rain, said something about the camera equipment getting wet. He is on a nanny whacking mission tonight. They are pulling out tomorrow and headed back home to Wisconsin. I imagine we will hear all about the adventures then.
Even though I'm still sick, I sat tonight. Had a young doe fawn at 5yds, but passed. Saw the three bucks again way up in the plot (I was well south of it on a logging road). Not sure if I'm going to be out these next two days due to whatever I have and the chance of rain. Hopefully the weekend will produce something.
Well I had a great sit last night. Had a doe and two fawns in the field when I got there. Had three doe come out about 150 yards away, but before them Chicken Foot came out. He's a young non-typical we just started seeing this year. I haven't seen any bucks out there since before the season started. But that all changed tonight. I had him at +/- 20 yards for thirty minutes tonight. He saw the doe come out into the pasture and started chasing one of them around. It was the best evening I've had in a deer stand in a quite a while. He's going to be a bruiser in the next couple years. TC pic:
The other days hunt resulted in no Deer seen at the new place. I saw a flock of Turkeys. so i sat behind the house tonight, i had a SPIKE come unglued. It was halarious. He just wigged out. He came up a trail that i was hoping no deer would come up. the trail lead to 6 yards from my treestand down wind. He came unglued as soon as he hit the spot. he bounced twice and stopped and looked back around. He didn t blow or anything like that, just ran off. a few seconds later a little tiny fawn doe came to the same spot and she knew that something was not right. She was shacking her head as to get that smell out of her nose. I just didn't have the heart to take her, she was maybe 40 lbs, she was TINY. A good night thou:D
Back home for a bit from IL. Yes John, I'm a wuss!! LOL!!! Rained too damn much down there and acutally only had 3 sits. I didn't see any big bucks and almost had 50 points on the board. Had 5 does 20 yards from me for 30 minutes, but they never offered a shot. Such is life. Johnny did whack a doe last night and filmed a couple great bucks, which you'll be able to see here next week once JZ gets the video edited and put up. When we told the landowner about the bucks, he said "Well, you haven't see the big boys yet!" Classic! We're heading back down around the 25th and stay for ????? days. We should be on some killer bucks when we return. I'm hoping to get a few sits in here in WI before heading back to IL. No nanny whacking on our property here for now, but the first 3.5+ yr old that walks by is getting schwacked. Good luck guys!!!!
I may or may not get to go to Oklahoma this weekend. If I do I will have to leave my house at 4am to be there 30 minutes before sunrise. Anyway, there is some stuff going on with the family (inlaws), nothing super serious or life threating and it doesn't involve me or my wife. Anyway, send up a little prayer if you get a chance
That's a wild buck you got ther Jim. Interesting antlers for sure. I'm headed to my property again tonight. Hope to get there in time for an hour or two of hunting. Most of our sightings have been in the evening so I'm headed home a little early and in the stand. I'll keep you posted.
Prayers sent Jim, Best of luck to you and your family Dan there is a reason for everything we do, so there is a reason you were sent back home to WI so go kill that Monster, Good Luck with that. Matt get WELL Soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get up to your stand John and Good luck Where is everyone ELSE????????????????
We're supposed to get a very wet snow overnight and into tomorrow. Still a little sick, so I'm not sure whether or not I will be out.
I went out this afternoon, my son wanted to go along with his Dad. So the boy and I set out on a DEER WACKING mission. He wanted to watch his DAD Shot / Kill a DEER with his Bow. Today was going to be the first Deer that came by was getting waxed. It has been cold here as this mourning we had an inch of snow when i left work, when i woke and decided that it was time to go out, the snow had melted off and it was just wet out. (should have gone out this mourning) It was 39 degree out, we were settled in to my 2 man stand at 350pm. An hour and a half into the hunt CJ advises that he is cold and is ready to go home. So needless to say my hunt was cut short and we were climbing down the tree at 535pm. I'll be out Monday afternoon. Good luck ALL !!!!!!!!!!
Back from IL, I didn't kill a deer this weekend, but if I had a turkey tag I could have taken a shot at 1 of 7 hens that were from 25-30 yards away feeding. I got some good video, now I guess I'll have to buck up and buy a tag. I saw my best buck tonight just as light was fading he passed below me on the hill about 70 yards away. I think he was around 130 inch 8 point but not real sure, kinda dark and lots of brush. Mobow shot a little (and I mean little) button buck on Saturday night. He thought it was a doe??
Well it's not like it's nubs were very visible..... :D Indeed I was disappointed in it being a nubbin, but thanks for a great weekend bro.