I gotta agree with him. That screams mature buck to me. I know I have no history with him but man he dont look like any 2 year old Ive ever seen. Id ground check him to make sure Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Slept in this morning to re-energize. Will be back out before noon...most likely on a property that I've never hunted before. Sent from my SM-N986U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Heading out....good luck to everyone else going out! Hope you have some room in that cooler Darin Sent from my SM-N986U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Because I know his daddy who is 5.5 years old. Well I guess I can't say with certainty it's his daddy but they have exact same rack pattern. He could be 3.5 at most. I'll post his daddy at 2.5 as an 8 and you tell me if you think it's his dad and I'll post pics of his dad other years as well. Here's his dad as a 3 year old.
I don't have any pics of him as a 4 year old, thought maybe someone got him or he got hit by a car or something, but here he is as a 5 year old.
So I guess he could be 3 but I'm pretty sure he's not over that, and I know his daddy really blew up from 2 to 3, so I definitely want this buck to grow.
Very well could be. Definitely blood. Just looks mature to me. I agree though one more year and he very well could blow up. Great buck man. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just one doe or small buck...too think to tell. Back at it again tomorrow. Sent from my SM-N986U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Neighbor let a bonfire get out of control during 20-30 mph winds. Spread on the ground and in the tree tops. Burnt about 90% of my hunting property to the ground. I am going to probably have to hunt public land the rest of the season and I’ve never hunted public land before so I dont know the first thing about it. Heck, I don’t even know whether or not I am allowed to park on the side of the road and hike in or if I need to park in a lot somewhere else and go from there. Any advice will be massively appreciated.
Could be an uncle,cousin,ect but that ain't a 2 or 3 year old Actually, iffn it were me and it was late season, I'd kill I'm to get him out from breeding. Sadly, that's how a big majority of bucks here are now. They hit 4 and stagnate antler wise. It sucks!
Pretty much everything I had out there is melted or completely burnt up. Dude has no insurance and there is pretty much no chance he will ever be able to cover the cost out of his own pocket.
Jeezus I can’t catch a damn break this year. Only got a few days to scout and maybe hunt some public land that I’ve never set foot on before I gotta go and do damn jury duty for the rest of the rut.
Still seeing the small bucks steady. They were very vocal tonight and even heard what I would call a buck roar. I worked one day this week and the big Boyz were running wild that night. That's the ways it goes I guess.
I don't know what you're talking bout possum but sounds like it's ****ty? I'm off for 10_15 days. Gotta be real careful not to burn out my stands. Lots of rubs/scrapes popping up.
Neighbor let his bonfire get out of control the other day and it spread to my property and burnt about 80 acres of my land.