Gentlemen - what are your plans for this coming weekend? My sons soccer game got moved - so I will get out Saturday morning now. Supposed to be low 40's...looking forward to it. If any of you get bored in the stand - snap a pic from your stand and share on here...curious what terrain everybody is hunting. Pick a spot, shoot straight, Good Luck!
I'm heading up this afternoon. My neighbor saw a 6 point chasing a doe yesterday I'll have to see what sign I see. When I found my daughters buck he was a by a scrape with a good size track in it. I'll let everyone know if something hits the dirt. Good Luck
Finally cooled down here I worked late last night but my buddy set up a stand on a buck I'm after. He's checking a mock scrape an hour before sunrise ams hour after sunset. I'm getting closer to being on him. Perdect wind tonight, the piece is surrounded by corn and I have clover and turnips there. I'm amped to hunt there
Well - got us 50pts. Pretty morning to be out. Start with seeing two in the dark that could only make out bodies, then a little after 7:00 3 does came in and gave me a great shot just over 20yds. First deer with the new PSE BowMadness...clipped the heart - pass through, she didn't go 50 yards. Sat another 40 minutes and saw 10 more or so, 2 were spike bucks that were chasing could tell they were in the mood but not the does. Camera had great buck movement on it, but still nearly all b/t 10pm-2am...won't be long though. Good Luck to everyone - let's get some more points on the board!
Nice Congrats on the doe, good to see deer up and moving. HAvent been out in a week as my cameras have shown nothing. Maybe a few mornings this week. Good luck guys!
Congrat's Matt. Had a good buck come in Sunday morning just before light. Seen good deer movement all weekend but everytime I was going to shoot a doe a buck would walk out. Didn't want to spook the buck just in case another one would be following. It's going to have to wait until next weekend. about an update from each of our teammates...any vacation days coming up? Been out at all? Seeing any deer? 130 woodman USarmyMP buckeyehntr5 wiaxle Guamhunter Hiller2007 bz_711 MN/Kyle Tribal B Hicks Pick00l FlCracker
So im sitting at the seattle airport. wont make it to ohio til around midnight but im guessin by friday ill be up and ready. just being back stateside for good is a blessing. i have leave until november 6 then i report to colorado.
I don't have vacation so I just don't show up for work when the hunting gets good. I'm my own boss so that's how that works. I'm getting closer to a couple of bucks. They cut the corn across the street from my place and had the 3 I was watching all summer show back up. We'll see what happens. I plan on hunting every weekend and a few days in there also.
Got the first two weeks of November off, bucks are starting to show, just not the ones I am interested in, if the wind ever quits blowing around here, maybe might be able to figure out where the deer are this year (20-30mph sustained wind = pita to hunt)
This weekend should be a great one to be in the woods. With all the rain we've had the past two days with a cold front you would think the deer will be up and moving. Low's in the mid 30's and highs in the low 50's. Still have standing corn on one of my properties. Probably won't hunt that until the corn comes down or during the rut. My vacation is from Nov. 3rd - 13th. Can't freakin wait!!!!!!!
No luck for me getting out this weekend - hosting our annual fall party/food drive tomorrow at our house...then 2 B-day parties on Sunday...the good thing is that by the time I do get out - the bucks will be moving. I need the rest of you to put a couple down for the team this weekend...Good Luck!
Checked a mock scrape today and 6 new scrapes opened up around it. Hung a camera & filled the dripper. In stand now on another property after my #1 hitlist buck. He's checking the scrape late but a lot of does have been check-in it too. Standing corn is killing me but hopefully the bucks start checking the scrapes earlier & earlier. Good luck to those getting out! Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk
Got us 50 points this morning. She only went 10 yards, got to love those kind of recoveries. Going to try and pull a double and get a buck tonight.