38 degrees here in the morning...perfect morning for the first hunt. Good luck to everyone out this weekend - have fun, stay safe!
Finally the SW wind I need to hunt a particular buck on a 40 acre piece close to home. If I can change out 3 faucets in 1 hour, I should make it out! Gotta go!
Good Luck all, been laying low after my doe kill to let everything cool down. Temps and scent. Be out probably Sat Pm.
First 2 deer hunts of the year under my belt. 6 deer toatal only one buck a huge 3 " spiker. I did find 8 scrapes already. probablly the spiker, doing more scouting then hunting right now. My daughter has the youth hunt next weekend I want to get her on a buck. Don't get me wrong If I see one that works he's going down.
Nothing to report from the weekend. Only hunting Saturday morning - and spotted no deer from stand. Plenty along road driving in...it was almost "too nice" of weather and acorns just everywhere in the big woods I was hunting - no real reason for the deer to be moving through the pinch point I was hunting. Looks like 80 degrees this coming weekend - probably only a couple hunts for me over the next 3 weekends with busy schedule - then it'll be time to get serious. How about the rest of Team 17? If you're checking in on the thread - give us a quick update - even if you haven't been out yet...
Make that 5 cameras stolen. Went to the new lease Sunday morning. Was pretty pumped to hunt this stand for the first time. Walked in about 6:00 a.m and when I got to my stand I noticed my cuddeback camera was gone. At this point I'm pissed and just wanted to get in the stand to start my hunt. Walk to the base of the tree and the losers stole my screw in steps! Stand is still there due to the cable lock. This property has some great potential to have some giants on it but trying to hunt it is the main problem. Since my morning hunt was wasted, I drove down the road to our other lease for the afternoon hunt. Seen 1 doe and 3 fawns for the evening sit. No shot on the doe
Well I had a pretty good weekend. Saw a coyote friday night, nine does saturday, and eight on sunday. Ionly got one group within sixty yards and didn't want to take that shot...all the rest were about 150 yds out. Supposed to be pretty warm all week so might take a couple days off to let everything settle back down.
I don't have much to add yet. I can hunt in both PA and DE since the seasons are wide open....of course I started to remodel the bathroom instead. What the hell was I thinking!!!
Havent made it back stateside yet, however ill be in Ohio from October 19 - November 6. Then Ill be Colorado the rest of the year.
That is terrrible, I can't stand the fact that people can actually have no problem taking something someone else worked for. I just don't get it! Sorry to hear that. Hopefully you will be rewarded with a Giant that's um after you find a way back up the tree.
This weekend is the Wisconsin youth hunt. I'm taking my daughter out in hopes she can shoot her first buck. She shot a doe 2 years ago which was awesome then last year she held out for a buck which didn't happen. This year we have a couple of bucks she likes so I hope one comes in. I do get to go bowhunting tonight, maybe I can put one down, it would have to be a good buck for me to shoot tonight. Next week is when I start to get serious. Good luck this weekend. Get us some points.
No plans to get out this weekend guys...Mid 80's temps and full sun. Very busy weekend on top of it...but when the weather cools - watch out. Got this new PSE BowMadness back in March...it is itchin' to get in some harvest photos. Dan - Hope your daughter bags her buck! Good Luck this weekend to everyone else - let's put some points on the board!
Hot as hell here too, I didn't hunt last weekend and it's looking like I wont this weekend either unless when I che k cameras in about an hr they tell ne otherwise. Good luck on the youth hunt! Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk
I am hunting a sharpshooter hunt for a suburb city this weekend, well actually just Sunday tomorrows my wife's bday so you all know how that goes over. It is too warm here but hoping first and last light might produce. Already have a doe on the board but there is always a chance for this, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vK6H_C0ScQo He is still alive and video was taken close to where I am hunting. I don't have a golden horseshoe but there is always hope. lol
I remember that buck! Good luck! This weather is horrible but I have 4 did nick and does hitting one of my mock scrapes. Ones a shooter that I have sheds off of ill post pics soon Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk
Well I took my 2nd doe of the year tonight. Saw nothing with antler but temps are still hot here in MN. Stay after it guys!
Congrat's on the second doe. My daughter did score her first buck, a spiker. Sunday night we had a deer come in and I never saw the spikes and told her to shoot. I thought it was a doe, it was early enough where she could have pulled a double. As she shot I watched the deer run away, I knew she hit it but she starts crying, I'm like whats wrong, then I see her nose is bleeding. I thought it was broken, damn scope got her. She decides she had enough fun with the gun and we go look for the deer, I found and saw the spikes, I'm like wow good thing we went to look for it.
That's awesome congrats to you both. From the looks of it the treasure at the end of the trail made her forget about the pain at least temporarily.
Tribal - keep the streak going - good luck with bagging your buck! Dan - Great pic...tell your daughter congrats!
Congrats to your daughter!!! I got scope bit the first time I shot a gun also. Been slow lately. I've mainly just been doing some scouting in some new spots. Been a little warm lately. Hopeing for some cooler weather.