Well, here goes another weekend in Ga. Good luck to everyone hunting this weekend. Hope these deer show up.
Well, chose option 'B' with the idea being seeing deer and not necessarily wanting to shoot one on opening day. Saw at least half a dozen does/fawns (maybe more, but 6 for sure) but they were all about 100-150 yards out, and running around, not walking or trotting, but running. odd, right? Well 6 o'clock comes round and I hear something off to the west, here comes a little coyote. Hmmmm might explain the skittishness of the deer I had been seeing (guy I hunt with was about 150 yards to the west of me in the morning and said he saw 6 of them together, well 5 once they got out of his area) well the yote comes in at about 15 yards and .....censored, I am deer hunting...... 7 o'clock comes around and I haven't seen any deer since that yote came by at 6, and what do I see? another little yote coming in, he/she/it comes in to about 40 yards, little far for that sort of thing, then it turns and comes down the road that the 1st one was on, it stops about 4 feet from where the first one was standing, 15 yards out again.....censored, I am deer hunting...... shooting time comes with no other deer seen, and I gotta go find some blade replacements for my broadheads..... Side note, the guy that was hunting in the morning had what he calls a 140ish 10 pointer at 11 yards, and didn't take the shot, 6:20 in the morning opening day and he didn't want the hunt to be over that fast, his description to me was 8" brows, 11 G2's and bases that you could maybe get your thumb and pointer finger around, didn't have the heart to tell him that his estimate may have been a bit on the low side..... I will try to get out tomorrow evening, but possible rain so will have to see.....
Good luck Wiaxle, at least your seeing them. We are on the board guys 50 points. Took a doe this evening second day here in MN. My first ever from a ground blind. Pretty cool and much different. Double lung shot with very little blood. Just some good pink frothy spots and I mean the size of pea. Wild but she only went about 70 yards.
Congrats Tribal! Slow weekend of hunting in my woods. I actually didn't even see a deer but it was.nice to be chasing whitetails again!
Hey guys went hunting the past few days I saw 3 huge doe and 7-10 decent does and a 3 pt buck came right in on my pile but where I hunt its earn a buck so I have to shoot a doe first but haven't had the right shot yet... I put up my first game camera and caught 3 doe in action and the buck at my pile.. first game came and first buck I ever saw while hunting(my second year this year) Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk
Back from hunting in Ga. Saw deer walking to my stand Sat and three does out of range while sitting. No points from me this weekend. Next weekend I will take it to 'em, spot and stalk. Wish me luck. By the way, I hunt Southwest Ga, two weeks ago I saw a velvet buck, does anyone think it might be too early to lightly rattle or call? I'm planning a proactive approach next weekend. Good job on the doe Tribal.
My dad, after about 8 years of not bowhunting, finally got a x-bow waiver and is out in the woods again. He sat out for the first time and had a nice 10 pointer come by at about 33 yards, something that we have matched sets of sheds for the last 2 years (thinking he should be a 4 year old this year) He found out that a x-bow is not the same as hunting with a normal bow due to the fact you really need to plan ahead to set up the shot, and the buck was in a spot he couldn't get the x-bow into position. But, it sounds like he had a really good time, can't wait to go out with him in the near future, it has been too long since we have hunted together this time of the year. Pretty stoked about the buck making it through the winter, had a chance to take him last year during gun season, guessing he was right around 140 last year, and the old man says he is a shooter this year, main frame 10 with double forked G2's, hope I get a chance to see him on the hoof at lease once
First off, Congrats on the doe, Tribal. It sounds like its been slow for most and it has been for me too. I've seen just a few doe's but im thinkin its gonna start getting good. I had a wedding to attend this last weekend but will be getting some good oppurtunities these next 2 weekends to score some points. Good luck and hunt hard.
Made it back from Colorado I didn't shoot anything. You should.be able to watch it soon. Congrats tribal good job
Gentlemen...had an amazing week in CO - except for the Elk hunting. 6 elk spotted among 4 hunters - many miles hiked searching. Mule Deer everywhere (no tag) and also had a 30 yd encounter with a large brown phase black bear - that actually made my week! Season opens Saturday here...let's start filling tags!
Matt sorry to hear your trip didn't go as hoped. Here is the link to my trip written by Justin. http://www.bowhunting.com/blog/post/Bowhunting-Elk-in-Colorado.aspx Now that that is over it is time to concentrate on Whitetails. Like Justin said I feel sorry for the first doe that walks out. I'm heading out this weekend I think I have to adjust a couple of stands because they are plowing through the acorns like mad.
Our group of 4 said the same thing on our drive home...we were itchin to launch that first arrow Good Luck this weekend guys...I'm ready for some kill pics!
I mellowed out from the trip getting back into the grove. My wife wants to go hunting this weekend so I'm off to the northwoods friday morning. I think I got a buck working an area she might be able to score on. For me I'm going to pass on shooting does until after next weekend, my daughter has the youth hunt and I want her to try and pull a double.After that then I'll get into the hunting zone and start killing. Good luck to all this weekend hope to see some points
Haven't had much time to get out this week. Also, got some bad news today. We're having trouble on our new 800 acre lease we picked up this year. Found out today that we had 4 cameras stolen just this week. Someone local is cutting our fence and riding quads on the property. They also stole the straps from my buddies ladder sticks and ripped the camo curtains off the inside of our two new shooting houses. I hope one of these days we catch the POS!!!! They have about 8 guys that want to take turns beating the snot out of them. We have a pretty good idea who they are. Just haven't caught them in the act yet