Diggin the avatar fellas. Will be out this weekend finishing up a couple small fall plots and bush hogging a couple areas. Will be checking my cameras in a spot I think will be a killer late Oct. early Nov spot. Big bedding area with a swamp on one side and a pine thicket on the other. Trails everywhere beatin down to mud. Camera is setup on a pinch point connecting the two ridge tops. Gave me chills when I found it. Will be my first year hunting this 820 acres. Found a good 4pt shed that would probably go around 65" in March of this year in the pine thicket.
Still got a few weeks here...Oct 1st opener in IL...Saturday opener is kind of nice - get to be out there opening morning, would be nice to put 50 spot on the board for us. Keep checking in guys - let us know how it's going. Shoot Straight!
5 days then it's Colorado hee I come. Bows sighted in I'm thinking about starting to pack.Can't wait to get back in the mountains.
Well just got my last stand put up today, glad I only have two more weeks until opener!!!! I did kick up a big buck checking my trail camera yesterday, and that's never good. The tree it was on blew over too so I had no pictures which made it even worse...well good luck everyone who is hunting and those who will be shortly!
Hey fellas, checking in from Colorado hunting has been really tough and the weather hot. Bulls have been fairly vocal early morning and evening but we are having a hell of a time getting on them. Seeing a lot if elk so the spirits are still up. We got 2 days left...on the mountain side glassing and listening now. Heard one bugle in the distance. Having a blast and hunting hard!
Aschweges89 checking in i was put in the team as a alternate.. im from south jersey, my season started Saturday i will start hunting thia week! Hopefully il be able to get a big buck to post! Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk
No Barry yet? Hopefully he is busy taking that buck to the Taxidermist and giving interviews to local papers. Have only 5 more days of waiting for the season here in MN .
Just got back from picking my daughter up at hunter safety. It's a cool evening, made me get totally in the mood for hunting. My daughter comes out and said she wants to blast a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. How cool is that.
Our season started this last weekend and I didnt see much. It was disappointing to say the least after all the scouting I had done prior. A full moon and temps in the low 90's didnt help. I wont be going this weekend but we'll be after them again in a week and half. Good luck to everyone.
Went out on season opener and saw a buck I'd love my dughter to shoot still in its velvet. No shooters for me not even a doe. Dang full moon.(at least thats my excuse) Trying again this coming weekend.
We'll we didn't have any luck in Colorado, but had an absolute blast running around the mountains. I will post up some pics soon. Deer season opens Saturday, hopefully the buck I am after held his pattern. Had the first frost last night.
Saturday is the big day around here, morning gotta take the boys over to http://www.quarryquest.com/home in the morning, then gonna try to get out in the evening, not supposed to be a great wind gonna let you all try and help me decide what to do A) sit in a stand on the edge of the woods, about 40 yards away from clover and 80 yards from corn. hit or miss stand, last few years for me it has been poor but other people in the group have had very good luck seeing bucks from the stand and during gun season a nice 140ish 10 was taken. B) sit in a fairly naked stand, not much cover, but the upwind is all oaks, couple years ago I took a doe from it, and they were thick in there, don't know if the oaks are dropping though, also should be able to see a long way to use as a scouting opportunity C) Try a new stand that in theory should be good, but the drawback is it is in an area I have never hunted in, so I am not sure what comes through there and at what time, in an big old oak, and about 60 yards from a corn field. All the stands should be optimal for the wind that is being predicted. Whichever I don't hunt, I will be going out with another guy so there will be only one stand of the 3 that wont have any feedback on. The little bit I have had a chance to scout this year (property owner doesn't want trailcams out there, so can't do that route) I haven't seen much of anything, I do know there are good bucks in the local area (within a mile of the property, a 10 point 160ish buck was seen at noon on sunday about 1/4 mile away across the county hwy, buddy has another 150+ on trail camera a 1/2 mile away, so they are out there. Just not sure what is in the local neighborhood. Which way would you go?
Well boys I'm off to Colorado hope to tag a couple of elk and a deer. Good luck to everyone hunting and I'll check in when possible. Later