Geez, second page for my 'here and present' post......looks like it is going to be a good year and a great team!
Heck of a buck killer last year. Good luck this year as well Steven. Looks like you have a great team. Thanks again for your service.
I'm not big on names so whatever the groups likes is fine by me. That said, here are a few to throw around. Buck Down ShaftMasters Antler Militia Dead Deer Fletch This Always Releasing Straight Flight Any Kill, Any Where Tree Ninjas Clean Killers Dirty Butchers
Here is a silly one. We can call ourselves "Double Venison with Cheese" and use one of these as the Avatar. NOTE: This was my buck from last year.
Heading to my cabin this weekend to check the camera's hope I get some good bucks. I don't care about the name whatever anybody wants. I was just busting Frans balls with the bunny killer but if we beat them then it fits. My wife likes this buck I know if he gets one more year he'll be in the 150's but if she wants it that's fine or my daughter likes him too. I have a couple other bucks on film but they are all in the 120 to 130 group. I'm hoping for 140+
Thanks Ben. Luck to you as well. You definitely had a big part in my ability to hunt last year. Your generosity will never be forgotten. Will definitely make up in some way when I am reassigned stateside within the next month or so.
FYI: My season started yesterday. When do your seasons start? It also runs pretty much straight through to the end of Jan. I usually do not get out in the early season so, don't expect too much excitement will later in the year. Do any of you have young kids? I have a 8 month old and a 4 year old. I might take the 4 year old into the woods while the weather is warm.
I have a 7yr, 5yr, 3yr, and 5 month old...Hunting time is precious My dad did purchase a "buddy" stand for our place - so I hope to take the 2 oldest more this year. I will get a handful of days off work during rut that I will hunt hard and hopefully produce for the team. Otherwise - my main goal for this year is to get a deer down with bow and go get all 4 kids and take them to track it with me...I'd be smiling ear to ear in a recovery photo with all 4 kids with me (and hopefully the wife too). Good luck this year guys! Don't let the big antlers sidetrack your real mission - have fun and be outdoors!
My season starts on the 10th (Georgia) The weather is still very warm but you can tell a change is in the air. I have a 11 y/o son and a 9y/o daughter that are really excited about going this year. I set up a buddy stand in an area that has some good traffic but nothing to big so hopefully they will get to see some action.
Behind on hunting prep just checked my cameras that have only been out 3 weeks. This is most likely the one I have a decent shot at. I saw him last year but is a bit bigger this year.