I don't have any big bucks on camera this year but I have some nice pics of feeders. Here's one I got from today's card pull. I like how I have the feeder logo turned towards the camera all commercial like.
I feel you Shane. I finished summer classes on the 10th and start Fall classes the 24th lol. But yeah I'm going to try and get out as much as I can and I will get out a lot. I run cross country for my college too so that will take some time up but not too much. Oh and I won't hesitate to shoot a doe either. I mainly hunt public land in mid-Michigan. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
No pics of bucks from my place, probably a mix of a couple factors 1 where the camera and feeder are set up 2 time of year. I am having the does pile in now and can expect 12-18 does and fawns to be coming around each evening. If you have that many does and fawns around the bucks will come. Just have to be in a tree when the big boys come thru.
I normally take three does a year here in Ohio I'd like it to be two does and a buck this year though Mike4christ
Awesome we are all here! Glad to see you guys. I'll bold your names here in a minute in my computer Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
I'll try to take a doe before I take a buck. I prefer to take the does out early before they're successfully bred if I can.
Heading to my lease tomorrow to hang a stand and limb out another. Going to move a couple cameras and set up a couple mock scrapes. Hopefully I will have a picture or two to share tomorrow night.
Yep agreed! We need a name and captain so we can tell fitz. Maybe we could just have everyone come up with some suggestions and try and come to something unanimous-ish. Good? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Let's think good about the name since we'll be on the same team for many years to come if you catch my drift Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I thought it was agreed that Shane is out captain? I'd like a good catchy team name, I don't feel like Buck Norris is it but if that's what everyone else wants I'm not going to piss and moan about it, lol.