I’m hmguessing numbers will start to just all over over the end of October November rolls around. I’m getting my first buck this year I can feel it!!!! Mike4christ 2016 Bear Escape Easton FMJ 6mm NAP Doublecross
I'm seriously considering whacking a couple Does out of my worst spot just for meat and points Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
I'm going to try to get out to a stand here in the next few days. We had a bit of a cool front come through this evening. Lots of rain in the forecast though.
I'll be out Saturday morning and Sunday night I'm hoping Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Ok so I got a little board at work and looked back at the top 3 winners from 2014, 2015, 2016 and came up with these numbers. Winners: Average does killed 9.3 Average bucks killed 5.6 Average score 1167 Hi 1283, low 1023 Top 3: Average does killed 8.5 Average bucks killed 5.6 Average score 1083 Hi 1283, low 958 So based on these numbers we need 4 does and 4 bucks to get us in the top 3
We have 12 on our team. That's 600 pts just with Does if everyone takes one! And then a few decent bucks, of which we have one already. Makes for a winning team. That said, I just like sitting in a tree and the hunt! But that said, my freezer is full and I am all about finding some decent antlers in VT and NJ the rest of the season!!!
This is a failing path Shane with hunting and your girlfriend. She will find out sooner or later. And it’ll hurt more if it’s later...just tell her man
Do what you want with your GF situation Shane, it's your business. I think it's hilarious you've been able to keep it a secret this long. I want to see how long you can keep it on the down low. The way you're going you may end up with a couple kids before she realized the mounts on your wall are yours and not gifts from your second cousin twice removed
If the pretentious young lady is trying to exert control at this young age, a painful surprise to her would be anytime she does not get her way. It is called the platinum vagina syndrome, very common.
I think it is funny too that he can keep it a secret I just can't keep from an opportunity to give some one a little s**t
My son is 16 and has shot quite a few deer and turkeys and a bear and he doesn't tell anyone at school either.
It's still 80 where I'm at, I've been out once this year. Once it gets into the sixtys I'll try to get a doe down
Me too but it was a bit of a different world back when I was a young'n and I grew up around a small town of maybe 1200 people where you were seen as odd if you didn't like to hunt and fish.
He is not like me, he is pretty quiet. He killed a 130" at 10 years old and a 133" when he was 14. I asked if he told his friends at school and he said no. I was like I would have told everyone.
I have 23 racks in my room... and birds and other stuff and every time she comes over I put my gear in my room, lock the door and we go downstairs lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro