practice makes perfect people not gloating just very happy with my shot yesterday Mike4christ 2016 Bear Escape Easton FMJ 6mm NAP KILLZONE
Went out to put a camera up I probably won’t be back out until mid to end of October but I have a huge scrap under a tree down to the dirt so I placed a camera there and drenched it in doe pee to try and cover my scent so I’m excited to see what comes of that got my camera on high quality pictures and blur reduction so should get some great pictures!!!! Mike4christ 2016 Bear Escape Easton FMJ 6mm NAP KILLZONE
Good work on the points. I moved a stand yesterday just turned it on the same tree was going to trim trees today for the lanes but raining. Damn deer broke thru the 8' snow fence around the plot to get after the winter peas, fixed that yesterday too.
Doe down on opening morning! Hopefully get the pics up tonight on the scorecard I'll be going back out in an hour. Good luck out there guys! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
So I lied guys..... I said I wouldn’t be back in the stand until October but farmers are farmin and it’s chilly so I’m sitting in the blind this evening!! Mike4christ 2016 Bear Escape Easton FMJ 6mm NAP KILLZONE
Alright!!!!! Awesome job, congrats!!!!! You guys are on fire!!!!! We're supposed to get three days of rain starting Tuesday so I may get a break in work here long enough to hunt and take care of any deer I kill. Another couple hundred points would look nice.
So if you guys were to find treestands on your lease would you take them down. I found 2 today, none put up this year but they are probably 2 maybe 3 years old. Last year was our first year on this lease and we had people trespassing, heck I even had a guy in one of my stands opening day of gun season. I had to tell him to leave and he had the nerve to tell me my stand was nice. He used my lifeline as a gun rope lol, I laugh now but was pissed then.
on the blind over the plot for the evening lookin for a buck Mike4christ 2016 Bear Escape Easton FMJ 6mm NAP Doublecross
We took them down. Left them lay at the base of the tree with a note. My lease gives me full control as long as I'm not doing stupid stuff or messing up grain crops. When I found him in the stand on the opener, I just looked up and was like really?, the guy obviously knew it wasn't his stand haha, top it off it was a hawk helium with climbing sticks in a tough tree and of course he had no harness on.
Fitz updated the score card. 150 pts on the board! And we have 50 more points from primetime waiting on the back burner. We are on our way. A few more does and then a few big boys and we will be rockin! Good luck everyone, stay safe out there!!!!
Opening day was a success. Saw 5 different bucks including one shooter that got around me at 65 yards. Saw a bunch of does, most shootable. I decided to go straight to hunting my hitlist bucks rather than shooting a doe. Also saw a big Tom turkey. He saw me too... the lease I was at didn't have signal so I could check in "live" but I just got home. So that's my update. The deer were extremely active. Even heard some fighting near my other stand at first light Very active opening day. Once I saw horns I abandoned the original doe patrol plan. Boy was it close to BBD last night. I will take a doe locally instead. Maybe tonight depending on where I sit. Congrats all!!! We are rocking now.
They were definitely moving yesterday. Saw 9 different bucks combined morning and afternoon and many many doe. 2 bucks were shooters for me but never got within 45 yards. Great start to the season for sure. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I ran into the same problem with a new lease and did the same thing. I understand your dilemma. Kinda sucks, hopefully there won't be any issues. Good luck to you.
Really looking forward to this weekend. Wisconsin youth deer hunt is Saturday and Sunday and I will be sitting with my 14 year old daughter Ally.